A Hero's World - Chapter 31 - FawkesWrites - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text


The evening sun began to dip into the horizon at the Hero University. Stalls and booths were packed up, ready for the continuation of festivities for tomorrow. The stadium and university grounds cleaned up as the crowds and spectators dispersed, leaving the university for the night so that they could get some rest for the second-year students.

Down by the student dorms, Class 1-A made their way back to their home, chatting away enthusiastically as they did.

“Man, today was so much fun!” Mina cheered. The pinkette pumped her fists into the air as she skipped in front of the group.

“Yeah it was! Though, not gonna lie, I'm glad it's over.” Sero said.

“I know, right? I felt tired from just watching the tournament and I wasn't even in it.” Toru stated as she moved around animatedly.

Kaminari began to stretch his arms as he spoke, “Now imagine how most of us feel. I feel like I got turned into a scratch post.” The blonde turned his head to call out to Shoka, who was near the back of the group with the rest of the Wildkats, plus Kyoka and their newest addition, “Did you have to go hard mode on me, Shoka?”

The slender ravenette gave him a cat-like smirk as she brought up her hands to give Kaminari two thumbs-up, “Get good, Lightening Dolt.”

“Nah, he's more like a Jamming Whey,” Kyoka said, correcting her gray-eyed friend as she also mimicked Kaminari's dumb state. Shoka and the violette couldn't hold back their laughter as the look on Kaminari's face during the end of that match was too much for them.

The blonde slumped his shoulders at the sounds of their laughter. Kaminari let out a miserable groan, “Never going to live that down, am I?”

Sero patted his friend's back, doing his best to comfort the blonde as they continued to make their way back to their dorm, “I mean, it could be worse. You could have done that at the start of your match.”

Izuku smiled as he watched his coursemates interact with each other, glad to see everyone having a good time together. The verdette noticed that Kirishima had gravitated toward Bakugo. The two hero students seemed to have a weird dynamic now, but he wasn't going to question it. As long as nothing bad came from it, he wouldn't put himself in the middle of it.

His emerald eyes shifted to his left, paying attention to Shoto as the bicolor-haired young man seemed to be fine with simply watching how every interacted with each other. Momo, Mina, Kirishima, and Kaminari were the ones to do their best to include him, earning either a hum or a brief response for their efforts. While Izuku was glad to see Shoto trying his best to be a part of the group, it was obvious that Shoto was out of his depth.

So Izuku started to make plans to help his new friend out and to get him better acclimatized to social interactions.

His thoughts soon went to Iida. The bluenette's sudden leave worried Izuku. While everyone in 1-A knew it was for a family emergency, they were all in the dark about it. And Izuku just hoped it wasn't something too bad. He just had to remind himself of Shoka's words during the awards ceremony. He would just have to check up on his friend when he got back.

Izuku was broken out of his thoughts when Mina, the social butterfly or Shoto's social cocoon, asked the group a question.

“So, what should we do tonight? I think we all need to unwind a bit.” Mina's golden eyes scanned the group, trying to gauge a reaction from them all.

“Games?” Sero asked the group.

“Eh, not really feeling it. We spent the whole day competing with each other and everyone else. Maybe something a bit more relaxing?” Sato commented.

Ochaco put a finger to her chin as she thought about it. The auburnette suddenly snapped her fingers as a smile formed on her face. “How about a movie?”

Kero A movie sounds good.”

“I'm down for that. What should we watch?”

“Let's watch a comedy! I could use some laughs.”

“Nah, let's go with an action movie!”

“I think we've had enough action for the day.”

“Perhaps a drama?”

A fierce debate began as they all argued about what kind of movie to watch that night. Even as the group of hero students entered their dorm, they were still trying to figure out their plan. It wasn't until someone thought to just bring it to a vote that a consensus was made.

And then another debate began as they argued about what they should eat. That, fortunately, was much easier for everyone to agree to something. Pizza was an easy go-to choice if needed, and luckily Lunch Rush was available to make group meals for the students.

Once the order was placed, idle chatter filled the air. The common theme between them all was what their plans were for the rest of the week. Some of the group talked about at least seeing the third-year students compete. Others wanted to just spend some time hanging out due to having several days to themselves since they weren't required to spectate their upper-classmen.

“What about you guys?” Kyoka asked the Wildkat group.

“Well,” Izuku started to say, “I know that Momo and I have some paperwork we need to catch up on for our rep duties.”

“Thankfully, Aizawa-sensei was lenient with us because of our preparations for the festival.” Momo quickly interjected.

“Other than that,” The verdette continued. He turned to Shoto, receiving a confused look from the scarred young man, “Do you wanna hang out, Shoto?”

Shoto started to think about the offer before answering, “I suppose that would be fine.”

Izuku nodded and turned to Shinso. “What about you, Shinso? Wanna join?”

The indigoette shrugged indifferently. “Sure. Doesn't sound too bad.”

Shoka quirked her head to the side as her lips began to form a small smirk. “Wow. Sounds like you'll have to bring the pep for three, Izzi.” The slender ravenette turned to Momo and Kyoka. “So, sounds like we're having a day to ourselves then.”

“We'll see. I've been wanted to get some playing done, so I might have to sit out this time.” Kyoka explained with an ambivalent shrug.

Momo pouted slightly at Kyoka's answer before an idea crossed her mind. She turned to her fellow ravenette, her bouncy personality coming to the forefront as she spoke excitedly. “Then perhaps you and I can small date that day! How does that sound, Shoka?”

Shoka leaned over and gave the busty heiress a quick peck on the lips. “Sounds good. Hash out a plan later?”

Before Momo could respond, a resounding cheer was heard as their coursemates had determined what to watch. It was odd to see that much rejoicing, but the small group just chalked it up to the regular antics of their class.

As the group continued to talk among themselves, Izuku stood up and offered to pick up their dinner from the campus cafeteria with their order nearly being done. Right as he neared the door, Shoto surprised him by joining him without a word. The verdette didn't mind the company and welcomed his new friend as the two made their way to the main campus building.

The springtime air was starting to shift into summertime heat, making the walk to the main campus building a relatively warm one. There wasn't much talking between the two hero students. Izuku tried to figure out what to talk about. Knowing Shoto was closed off from everyone until just a few hours ago made things a little difficult.

Thankfully, the verdette had enough training in small talk from his time as a barista when he helped out Mr. H at the café.

“So, do you have any plans other than hanging out with Shinso and me?”


Shoto gave Izuku a nod. “I'm... Considering visiting my mom. After she gave me my scar, Endeavor had her placed in a hospital. A mental breakdown is what I was told growing up.” The scarred young man went quiet, his heterochromatic eyes seeming distant as old memories were drudged up. “I don't know how she will take seeing me after all this time, but I want to let her know that I don't hate her.”

“... That I don't blame her for what happened.”

Izuku listened quietly, letting his new friend voice his thoughts, and working through what the verdette thought was no doubt a flux of emotions. After giving his coursemate a moment, Izuku spoke up, “Do you need someone to come with you?”

“I'm considering asking my older sister to join me. She was always the one to try and hold our family together. She might know how to help me when I see my mom.” Shoto explained with a hint of emotion in his voice.

Shoto felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head to the side and saw Izuku smiling at him. “I hope it goes alright for you, Shoto.”

With that show of support from his new friend, Shoto resolved himself to follow through on his plan. From there, the two had picked up their group meal from Lunch Rush, with Izuku making sure to let the pro hero know how much they appreciated him making their order despite how busy he no doubt was. As the two made their way back to their dorms, Izuku's phone let out a chime.

The verdette carefully handled the boxes of pizza in his hands, maneuvering them around so he would dig for his phone. After a few seconds of finagling, he managed to do so, pulling up his notifications, and stopping dead in his tracks as he read the notification.

Shoto stopped after a few steps, noticing that Izuku did as well. He raised a brow at his friend's behavior when he grew concerned at the verdette's dire expression. “Izuku?”

Izuku was quiet for a moment, trying to find his voice as he processed the news he just read. The verdette gulped, swallowing his hesitation when he finally spoke up. “Ingenium was attacked while out on patrol, along with another hero who was murdered. Ingenium is currently in the hospital. It's why Iida left so suddenly...”

The air felt heavy around the two hero students. While Shoto hadn't had many interactions with Iida, he did have some respect for the bluenette. Izuku, on the other hand, knew how much Iida looked up to his brother. And to know that Iida's brother, his hero, was attacked and hospitalized, didn't sit well with him.

“What are you going to do?” Shoto asked, breaking Izuku of his thoughts.

“I don't know. I don't think I should tell everyone what happened if they haven't already heard about it themselves. I don't want to drag the mood down tonight.” Shoto nodded his head, understanding the verdette's point. Izuku thought on it some more, trying his best to figure out what the right course of action to take was. It took him a moment when his eyes widened in realization. “I'll let Iida know that I heard the news and leave it up to him. This is his business and I don't want to overstep my bounds.”

With that in mind, Izuku typed up a message to Iida and waited for a response. Whatever jovial atmosphere Izuku and Shoto shared was gone, replaced by a somber mood as they returned to their dorms. Izuku was stopped once more by his phone as they reached the doors to Heights Alliance.

Iida: I appreciate the concern, Midoriya. Please keep this to yourself for now.

Iida: I will share the news with everyone when I return.

Phones: Alright. Just take care, Iida. I hope your brother's recovery goes well.

Izuku pocketed his phone and shared a look with Shoto. The scarred hero student nodded silently, understanding the need for discretion. The verdette released a heavy sigh before putting on a smile as the two entered the dorm to the uproarious cheers of their fellow coursemates. Izuku just did his best to keep the mood up, not wanting to ruin the night for everyone else.

Shoka and Momo, however, noticed him putting on an act and were already doing their best to lift his mood. Which was effective. The night from there continued as the class of 1-A began to fully relax. After an intense day of showing up and showing off, it was a much-needed moment to breathe.

As the evening turned into the night, as the group of hero students broke down into their smaller groups, Shinso began to break away silently, making his way to his room to prepare for leaving the campus. No one seemed to notice his behavior, save for Izuku who gave him a nod, which Shinso gave an appreciative one to his friend, before leaving the dorms with a small bag in his hands.

Right as the indigoette crossed through U.A.’s gate, a voice stopped him in his tracks.

“And just where are you going, Problem Child Three?”

Shinso turned his head and saw Aizawa leaning against the wall. He cringed slightly, hoping to avoid his sensei. And now, that plan was thrown out the window.

‘Better be honest.’ Shinso thought to himself, mustering up the nerve to explain himself. He didn’t have to tell the whole truth, just most of it, he figured. “Going to see a friend of mine. She tends to be a night owl like us so this is usually the best time to see her in person.”

“I see…” Aizawa replied dryly. The Underground Hero stared at his student, his eyes seemingly studying the indigoette in an attempt to ordain the hidden truth of the matter. Shinso met Aizawa’s impassive gaze with one of his one. The two continued to stare at each other for a minute before the hero spoke, “Fine. I trust that you won’t get into trouble. Just don’t give me more work than I already have. It would be better if you didn't make me regret it.”

With that, Aizawa turned around and headed back to the campus grounds. Shinso was about to leave when he heard his instructor speak once more.

“And be back at a reasonable time.”

Shinso’s lips began to form a small smirk at that. With Aizawa's version of a blessing or the pro hero just not to deal with his student's personal life if he didn't have to, Shinso made his way into Musutafu to meet up with Himiko.

With it being early in the night, the indigoette didn't have to fight much of a crowd as he trekked through the city streets. He did note that more heroes were patrolling tonight. Some paid him no mind while others took a second to look him over before some form of recognition kicked in. Shinso figured that they must have seen him during the festival.

Honestly, their presence put him on edge. Izuku would have mentioned something about an increase in hero activity. Something must have happened.

Shinso put that thought to the back of his mind for the moment as he came across the park he and Himiko planned to meet up at. He sat down on a bench, setting the bag he brought with him to his side, and resting underneath the dim light of a nearby lamppost. Shinso waited for the bun-haired ash-blonde to arrive, letting the minutes pass him by as he did so.

The sleep-deprived hero student felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise as tension gripped him. He scanned the area as he was now on high alert. Laughter began to fill the air as Shinso looked all around him, doing his best to pinpoint where the laughter was coming from.

“Hi~to~shi~!” Came Himiko's voice. Despite the playfulness in her tone, there was a slight hint of something else. And that worried Shinso.

“Himiko? Are you alright?” The indigoette asked as he continued to search for his friend.

“Yep~! I'm doing great, Hitoshi! But I'm feeling a little thirsty~.” Shinso quickly turned around and managed to dodge Himiko's attempt to grab him from behind.

Shinso was now able to get a good look at the young woman. Himiko was wearing a dark purple hoodie that blended in with the night and was rather large on her, making it almost look like a dress. The sleeves were baggy, with her fingers barely peeking out far enough to show she was wearing a pair of fingerless gloves on her hands. She had a pair of knee-high socks with a pair of black combat boots over them. The final thing she wore was a red face mask that had stylized fangs painted on it that she pulled down, allowing Shinso to see the hazy and hungry look on her face with a heavy blush painting her cheeks.

Himiko continued to look at Shinso, her fanged smile widening as she did. “I haven't had anything to drink today. And everyone else just didn't look appetizing. It made working earlier so annoying!” The bun-haired girl said as she eyed up Shinso, all the while giggling as her imagination ran wild. “I told you that you got me all thirsty~! And I've been waiting long enough.”

She took a step forward, clearing the distance between her and Shinso in an instant. The indigoette readied himself, more than willing to help out the ash-blonde as he knew how bad she got when she held back from feeding, but was surprised when she stopped just shy of biting his neck.

Shinso felt her breathing, the warm air grazing his skin. “Himiko?” Shinso asked, confused by her sudden hesitation. He saw some of the haze leave her eyes as she darted her eyes up to meet his.

Himiko was having to hold herself back, fighting a mental battle to prevent herself from going too far. Her thirst had been scratching at the back of her mind throughout the whole day. And it had fueled a lot of her worst tendencies earlier in the night. She spoke in a low voice, just above a whisper, “Sorry, Hitoshi... Is it okay?”

“Yeah. You don't really have to ask at this point, Himiko.” Shinso replied in a soft tone. “Just make sure I can make it back to the dorms later.”

The ash-blonde gave him a wide and appreciative smile. Her tongue darted past her lips as she lightly lapped it against his skin. Shinso felt the area on his neck she lathered go numb, barely feeling her teeth puncture his skin. Himiko let out a hum that was a borderline pleasurable moan. She wrapped his arms around Shinso's body, latching on to him as she began to drink from him, the crimson nectar that was laced with the flavor of coffee that was unique to the indigoette.

Himiko stopped for a moment when she felt Shinso wrap an arm around her. She let herself be pulled closer as she continued to drink from him. Soon, the blood-thirst haze began to lift from the bun-haired young woman's mind, clarity coming back to her as she pulled her fangs out of Shinso. Himiko lapped up any leftover blood from the bite, her saliva acting as a coagulant, and stopping the small wound from bleeding further.

Shinso let out a small shudder when he felt Himiko's lips lightly graze against his skin. The ash-blonde had a sultry look in her eyes as her blood-thirst was now gone. Her usual playfulness was back as she gave the indigoette a wide grin, “Thanks for the meal, Hi~to~shi~!”

“Now come on! Tell me about the festival!” Himiko said with glee, dragging the sleep-deprived hero student by the arm and over to the bench he was sitting on earlier.

She raised an inquisitive brow at the bag Shinso brought with him, allowing him to bring it up earlier than he expected to. 'Then again,' he thought to himself, 'I do have it out in the open.' The indigoette passed the bag over to Himiko, letting her dig through it immediately.

“Awww~! She's so cute!” Himiko pulled out the golden bat plushie that Shinso had gotten at the festival. The ash-blonde blood drinker brought the toy up to her face and she rubbed her cheek against it as a wide smile formed on her face. “She's got my fangs!” Shinso watched, letting out an amused snort when he saw Himiko mimic the bat plushie's expression as best she could, sticking her fangs out past her lips as she did.

“It's like looking at twins,” Shinso replied with an eye roll. Himiko playfully retorted by sticking out her tongue.

To Himiko, it was a good end to her day. And she was thankful that she had Shinso in her corner.


The rays of the early morning sun beamed into Izuku's room. Where the verdette would be awake already, either finishing up a light workout or already getting coffee ready for everyone, it was a rare moment for him to just sleep in a little. But with yesterday being as physically draining, as well as emotionally, Izuku was fine with getting another hour or two of rest.

And he might have on another day. If his gray-eyed girlfriend hadn't entered his room with a plan in mind. She seemed to glide past the door, her footsteps not making a single noise as she walked across the hardwood floor. She discarded her shirt, one of Izuku's many miraculously spawning ones, letting it drop onto the floor leaving her in only her underwear.

Shoka crawled under the comforter and the sheets from the foot of the bed. She gently nudged Izuku's legs, causing him to move them as she placed herself in between. The slender ravenette poked her head out of the sheets, giving her a view of Izuku resting comfortably. Her lips formed into a playful smirk as she decided to wake up her boyfriend.

The slender young woman moved her hands to Izuku's groin, gently massaging his dick through his sweatpants. Her actions elicited a moan from the verdette which caused her to continue her ministrations. Izuku's member soon began to harden at her touch. Shoka watched as the thick head started to peek out from his sweatpants' waistband.

The gray-eyed hero student felt her puss* moisten, her core heating up as she leaned in, and planted a soft kiss on the hot tip. Shoka looked up, seeing Izuku let out another moan as he began to stir. Shoka began to crawl forward, her soft, dark lips planting a series of light kisses against the verdette's muscled body, trailing up, and stopping as she reached his neck.

Izuku's legs shifted again, allowing Shoka to place her legs at his sides as she straddled him, her hips sitting on top of his. She straightened her back, causing the sheets to fall around her. Her wet lips started to dampen her panties, her fluids seeping through and onto the portion of Izuku's co*ck that poked out past his sweatpants.

As Shoka felt his large member at full mast, she began to gently rock her hips, sliding her clothed sex against his. She let out a moan as she felt her body heat up. Izuku began to stir once more, this time his eyes fluttering open while hers became half-lidded. “Wake up, Izzi~.”

The verdette's breathing hitched as a wave of pleasure rocked his body. His emerald eyes blinked at the surprising sight of his slender, ravenette girlfriend. “Shoka?” Izuku stared at the gray-eyed young woman as she continued to rock her hips, sending minor waves of pleasure constantly through his body.

He didn't expect to have a wake-up call like this, but he definitely wasn't going to complain. Izuku did blush when he noticed what Shoka was wearing. She was wearing a matching set of black, cat lingerie. The bra was a mix of a cami bra and halter top, being small enough to give Shoka a rather tasteful amount of side boob, the bottom of the bra stopping at just under her full breasts, and a boob window in the shape of a cat's head in the middle. The panties she wore were a G-string, that had a pair of ears lining the top edge. Both articles had deep-red detailing that stood out on the black fabric.

Izuku began to move, using his hands to hold on to Shoka's hips, stopping her for the moment as the ravenette gave a brief shudder from his touch. “Not that I mind this kind of wake-up, but-”

Shoka cut him off by rolling her hips, going back to grinding her sex against his hardened member. She spoke through a breathy voice, her growing pleasure apparent, “Part one of the prize. Momo and I talked about it last night and it was her idea for us to do separate things.” The slender ravenette felt Izuku begin to help guide her movements, using his hands to slide her hips along his co*ck. “And, not gonna lie, her idea for her part was kinda hot~. So I had to step up my game.”

“Hold up, I got one more thing to add.” Shoka gripped Izuku's wrists, letting him know to stop for a moment. The verdette complied, keeping his emerald eyes trained on the half-naked ravenette straddling him. The color of her bra and panties began to shift, the black coloring becoming white while the deep-red detailing remained the same. Her hair underwent the same shift, though at a smaller degree, as it only lightened a little. A pair of segmented black and white ears popped up on top of Shoka's head while a similar style tail emerged just above her toned ass.

To Izuku's surprise, Shoka's skin hadn't undergone its usual change.

“Sweet. It wasn't a fluke.” Shoka said with pride. She already saw the gears turning in Izuku's head, his brain fighting against his head on what to focus on. She rolled her eyes and smirked, leaned down, and planted a kiss on his lips, effectively cutting him off from his thoughts. “Experimented. I wanted to see if I could add some spice to things. Not like you haven't thought about using your Psychs for our sexy times.”

Izuku darted his eyes away, knowing full well that Shoka and Momo could easily get a read on him like how Shoka did so just now.

He was already planning on trying to see if Vitali-Tea would help give him a boost when he reached his limit.

“No comment.” Came Izuku's quick reply.

Shoka let out a victorious hum as she lifted her hips off of Izuku and slid back. She gripped the waistband of his sweatpants and gave them a slight tug. Izuku lifted his hips, allowing Shoka an easier time to pull both his sweatpants and underwear down at the same time, and freed his raging erection to stand at attention.

Izuku watched as the ravenette crawled on all fours closer to his co*ck, her ass and tail swaying enticingly as she did. Shoka wrapped her fingers around his base, giving him a few pumps before her lips parted for her tongue to run along the base of his shaft to his head.

She stopped, causing Izuku to let out a disgruntled noise. Shoka gave him a sultry look, her eyes half-lidded as she kissed the tip. “Thanks for the meal, Izzi~.”

She swirled her tongue around Izuku's tip, sending a shiver up his spine as she continued. Shoka's gray eyes met his as her lips wrapped around the head of his co*ck, sealing it within her hot mouth as her tongue lapped away. The ravenette heard Izuku's breathing hitch, the verdette letting out a pleased moan as her mouth began to devour his co*ck, her lips moving further and further down his shaft.

Shoka stopped when the tip reached the entrance to her throat. She pumped her hand until she felt her fingers graze her chin. She pouted internally when she realized she still had several more inches to go, unable to reach the base.

Her freckled lover noticed her annoyance, put a hand on her head, and began to scratch near her Quirk's ears. Shoka seemed to melt at his ministrations, letting out a moan that Izuku felt vibrate through his co*ck. The heat started to build up from her puss*, her juices flowing and soaking her panties all the way through as the gray-eyed cat girl shuddered at Izuku's touch.

His fingers moved to the base of her ears, eliciting another pleasurable sound as Shoka began to bob her head.

“Shoka.” Izuku groaned out as the ravenette worked in earnest.

She moved her head back up to his tip, giving Izuku's engorged head extra attention before making her way back down his co*ck. Each time she pushed herself, letting his tip reach her throat, the tip knocking at the entrance. Each time penetrating further and further. Shoka's Quirk ears twitched every time she heard her verdette lover let out more and more gasps and moans.

Izuku listened to the sounds of Shoka slurping away at his dick. He shivered as she ran her tongue along his length each time she moved, how she would pop her lips off of his tip before diving back down and devouring him as she found her rhythm. The verdette kept scratching and rubbing her cat ears, intent on hearing Shoka let out a moan at his ministrations as she blew him.

The sounds of the two lovers were the only thing filling the air, their moans coming together as a mixture of slurps and gags accompanied the lewd song. Shoka felt herself gush the longer she kept up the fellati*. She was starting to get needy. Her gray eyes met Izuku's emerald ones once more and she steeled her resolve. She slowly brought her head up, her dark-red lips still wrapped around the tip of Izuku's co*ck, and she forced herself down.

Shoka couldn't hold back a pleased gag as her throat was forced open, the tip of the dick that prodded against her insides now fully enveloped by her mouth. Her cat tail shot up straight up as she reached her first org*sm. Her nose was tickled by the trimmed patch of green pubic hair as her lips met the base of Izuku's groin. The ravenette let out a proud hum as she gave Izuku a sultry look.

“Sh-Shoka!” The verdette managed to finally say as pleasure rocked his body. He had to give himself a few seconds to recover as Shoka adjusted to the sudden intrusion. Izuku never once moved his hand, subconsciously scratching away at her ears as if he were on autopilot.

Izuku let out another moan as Shoka very, very slowly, moved back up his co*ck. He noticed a lust-filled haze in her eyes before she dived back down. Shoka lost herself in the moment, not realizing her Quirk had affected her actions, and began to make her act as though she were in heat.

Shoka only had one thought dominating her mind now, 'Cum for me, Izzi!'

She continued to bob up and down his co*ck with fervor. Each time her tongue lathered his length, leaving Izuku's co*ck glistening and wet from her saliva. When she moved back to his glands, her tongue ran over his tip and tasted his pre-cum. Shoka savored the flavor before redoubling her efforts, the ravenette eager for Izuku's full release.

'Please, Izzi~. Give it to me.'

Luckily for her, Shoka wouldn't have to wait for long. Izuku fought back the urge to cum then and there. Each time his slender lover would deepthroat him to his base was like a battle of wills. His body worked against him, matching Shoka's efforts with a thrust, forcing himself to try and go deeper.

Shoka moaned, letting the pleasure take over her body as her puss* ached, ready for another release. The sexual noises that filled the room had increased in pace. If one were to walk past Izuku's door, they would have no delusions as to the goings on happening inside. A cacophony of moans, accompanied by Shoka's slurping tongue and gagging throat built up into a crescendo as the first act was coming to an end.

Izuku could no longer hold back. His free hand gripped his sheets while the one rubbing Shoka's head gave her a light squeeze, the verdette making a concerted effort not to hurt his lover. “Sh-Shoka! I'm cumming!”

With one final thrust from Izuku and a final dive from Shoka, the ravenette was treated to a deluge of cum that shot down her throat, and straight to her stomach. Shoka shuddered as her body was rocked by another org*sm, her juices shooting out from her hungry puss*, drenching her panties and Izuku's sheets as her juices dripped down her legs.

Izuku twitched as he shot another large string of cum into his gray-eyed girlfriend. Shoka could only moan as she struggled to swallow the start of his impressive load. The verdette pulled back only to thrust up as he let loose another shot. Shoka was unable to match his pace, his seed now forcing itself out of her mouth, several drops escaping her lips.

The two simply stayed connected before Izuku's hips fell back onto the bed and released his hold of the ravenette's head. Shoka reluctantly raised her head off of his co*ck, leaving a mixture of saliva and sem*n in her wake. She pulled off of Izuku's sensitive crown, the action causing him to feel a small wave of pleasure and release another string of cum that shot out of his tip. Shoka, still in a haze, simply let the white seed land on her face.

Shoka raised her head, letting the cum still in her mouth move down her throat as she swallowed it. After several gulps, the gray-eyed young woman licked her lips, catching the small bit of seed that landed near her mouth. She looked at Izuku, noting the rather pleased look on his face as he let out a series of short breaths.

Shoka smirked as she saw Izuku's co*ck still standing at attention. Her eyes met his as she spoke, “Ready for another round?”

Izuku gave her a cheeky grin. Soon, Shoka found herself flat on her back, her eyes looking up at the ceiling. Her legs had been spread out and pushed up, raising her ass into the air as Izuku's hands gripped her fit and slender limbs. His hard co*ck rubbed up against the ravenette's puss*, her hungry sex begging to be filled.

“I am. Are you ready, Shoka?” Izuku returned the question to Shoka.

Though he couldn't see it, Shoka's tail swayed enticingly as she stared into his eyes. She began to rub her snatch against his throbbing co*ck, further teasing the verdette. “Give it to me, Izzi.”

Izuku nodded. He grabbed her soaked panties and slid them to the side, giving him a perfect view of her glistening sex. Her cl*t was on full display as her juices continued to drip, her arousal clear to see. Izuku slid his dick along her slit, causing Shoka to let out a throaty moan.

“Izzi~! Come on and f*ck me.” It was a needy cry, but one that drove Izuku to act.

The verdette gripped the base of his co*ck, lined it up with Shoka's entrance, and took a deep thrust.

“Fu~ck!” Shoka moaned out with a wide smile on her face. Her puss* clenched when she felt Izuku bottom out in her, the tip of his co*ck poking her cervix.

The ravenette let out a throaty moan as she felt her insides get stirred. Shoka stared into Izuku's emerald eyes, steadying her breathing as her lust built up once more. She placed her hands on his arms and gave Izuku a nod as she braced herself.

The two let out a pleasured moan in unison as Izuku slowly pulled his hips back. He thrust back into her. Shoka let out a gasp as his balls slapped against her ass, her breasts bouncing in their constraints from the force. After a few experimental thrusts, Izuku found his rhythm.

Shoka no longer held back her moans. Izuku moved at a gentle pace, making sure to take his time so that both of them could build up to their release. The verdette leaned down, his lips fluttering against Shoka's pale skin before he planted a kiss on her collarbone. She shivered as he began to pepper her with more kisses, moving further up her neck, past the fabric of her bra, and to her waiting lips.

Their lips connected as Izuku slammed his co*ck into her, her loud moan muffled by their lip lock. Shoka's tongue shot into his mouth, mingling with his tongue as they danced around, hoping to dominate the other. The verdette grunted as his pace increased. Shoka broke free of their intimate kiss as she gasped for air. There was a lust-filled smile on her face as each thrust sent a shockwave of pleasure throughout her body.

“There. Fu~ck! Right there, Izzi~.” Her grip on the verdette's arms tightened as Izuku began to get more intense. “J-Just like, ah~. Just. Like. Th-that.”

Going with the flow, Izuku looked into Shoka's eyes, giving her a hungry look that sent a shiver down her spine. “As you wish, Shokat.”

He buried his co*ck into her up to the hilt, his crown hitting the ravenette's G-spot with each and causing her to shudder each time. “Fu~ck YEAH~!”

The freckled hero student felt his ravenette girlfriend's walls tighten around his large member. Each time he pulled back, he felt her puss* cling to him, pulling him back into her as Shoka's body wanted to be filled by him. Her breasts jiggled with each thrust, bouncing hypnotically as the verdette f*cked the gray-eyed beauty.

Try as he might, Izuku was beginning to struggle holding back, his body begging to release his seed deep inside Shoka.

Shoka was no better. Her Quirk had a much greater effect on her than she thought it would. Her body responded honestly as Izuku continued to plow her, shuddering every second as they f*cked. Her tail spasmed with each thrust, going stiff, relaxed, and then stiff again like clockwork. Shoka gave in to her Quirk's transformative nature, letting her instincts go wild as their mating continued.

“Nya~! IZZI~!” Shoka practically purred. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as her lips formed f*ck-drunk smile. “f*ck me~!”

Hearing his girlfriend mew in pleasure had caused something to trigger within Izuku. He leaned back while Shoka pulled her arms away and let them hover above her head as her body shifted. The ravenette soon found her legs pressed up against her with Izuku's arms planted at the sides of her body holding them back. The shift allowed her ass to raise into the air, allowing her boyfriend to slam his co*ck even deeper into her puss*, the crown of his co*ck now fully penetrating her womb's entrance.

The sound of skin-on-skin contact was now mixing with the gray-eyed young woman's lustful song, her puss* juices adding an extra boost to the rhythmic percussion. Shoka's mind could only focus on one thing now. Every time Izuku buried his dick into her, his balls slapping against her ass, her pleasure skyrocketed, and she moaned and mewed. And when he pulled back to just the tip, she whimpered, her eyes locking onto his, and silently begging for him to sheathe himself back into her. For several minutes they continued on like animals, both students drawing closer and closer to their release.

The ravenette's arms wrapped around Izuku's neck and pulled him close to her. Her lips were mere inches away from his ear when she spoke through her lust-filled haze, “f*ck me, Izzi~. Make me cum, please~.”

Izuku complied with the request and abandoned whatever rhythm or sense he had established. His thrusts were wild as rutted her. His balls churned as he was about to explode within the ravenette.

“Shoka, I'm gonna cum.” He breathed out.

“Do it. Cum~. Cum for me, Izzi~!” Shoka replied, her voice reverberating through the room. “Fill me up~!”

Izuku slammed his co*ck into her hungry puss* one more time, shooting a load of his seed deep into her chamber. Shoka's body felt a jolt of pleasure run through her body. Her tail shot out and her ears pulled back, flattening out on her head as the pleasure overrode her senses. She pulled Izuku into another lip-lock as the second shot of his load was released. And then the third happened, Izuku's balls emptying themselves into Shoka.

It wasn't until Izuku released several more ropes of cum did he stop. The two broke apart as Shoka's head fell back into the pillow behind her. Izuku watched as the ravenette's body could no longer hold its transformation and released her Quirk. As soon as her ears and tail disappeared, Shoka felt weak, her legs feeling like she had just run a marathon.

She didn't want to move, instead, Shoka's body moved with Izuku's as he moved his arms, allowing her legs to drop, and pulling her close to him as he rolled over on the bed. Shoka gave him a sultry smirk as she still felt his half-hard co*ck inside her, effectively acting as a stopper to prevent his cum from leaking out of her stuffed puss*.

“I swear, you better not turn into a stamina monster.” She said jokingly.

“Well, I still need to see if Vitali-Tea gives me back the right kind of stamina.” He replied with a smile. Izuku leaned close to her, placing a hand on her cheek as he looked into her eyes, “Are you alright though? That wasn't too much for you, right?”

Shoka gave him a mock pout. “Sooo, stress testing on the fly suuuuuucks.” She said, earning an understanding nod from Izuku. She continued, “My Quirk, when used like this, seems to make everything feel really, and I mean reeeeeeeally, damn good.”

“I noticed.” Izuku gave the ravenette a cheeky smile, “Plus, it was really cute of you to make that sound.”

“Cheeky.” Shoka leaned in and kissed Izuku. The two lay in the verdette's bed, engaged in an intimate kiss as their hands explored each other's bodies, letting their stamina recover enough so they could at least walk to the shower down the hall.

That plan was put on hold when Shoka rolled Izuku on his back, his dick still inside her as she straddled his hips. She looked at Izuku, giving him a saucy smirk as she removed her bra, letting her full, bouncing breasts free, and showing off her aroused, hardened nipples.

Izuku's mouth felt dry at the sight. Shoka then ground her sex against his pelvis and let out a soft, horny gasp as the verdette filled her up again, his co*ck hardening deep within her puss*.

“One more round, Izzi?” Shoka said as she planted her hands against his chest to keep herself stable.

Izuku gave her a smirk. He gripped her hips and gave her an answer by thrusting up into her hungry c*nt.

Finishing up their love-making session and after a rather enjoyable shower, that had devolved into a very handsy enjoyable shower, Izuku and Shoka got dressed in clean clothes and made their way downstairs. The two hero students saw a small group of their coursemates together, relaxing in the living area. Momo, from her spot in the group, saw the two arm-in-arm and noticed the slight limp and absolute glow coming from her fellow ravenette while their shared boyfriend had a warm, proud smile on his face.

Momo watched the two make their way to the kitchen and got up to meet them.

“Hello, you two. I would say good morning, but you two seemed to have taken your time getting up,” The busty heiress said with a knowing smile.

“I don't know about you, Izzi, but it sounds like our fair lady might want to experience the same kind of wake-up call,” Shoka said to Izuku.

“Then who are we to deny her?” He replied with a smile.

Momo brought a hand to her cheek and let out a hearty chuckle. “Oh, you two are incorrigible. How will I, a fair maiden, handle such amorous beasts such as yourselves?”

Izuku shook his head and went to make coffee as the two ravenettes went to join the others, with Shoka lying down and nuzzling into Momo. Feeling generous, the verdette turned to the group and called out to them, “Hey, what's everyone’s mood? I'm going to make myself, Shoka, and Momo a cup of coffee.”

“““I'll take my usual!””” The group all answered as one.

Izuku chuckled at the group order, not bothered by the extra work. He went to the pantry and began to pull out the coffee grounds he needed to make the diverse mix of drinks. As the verdette began to work on the first set of orders, his phone went off.

[A message is here!]

The freckled hero student's smile widened. After all, he did ask All Might to record a message and phone alert tone for whenever the No. 1 Hero had to contact him.

He is a hero nerd and an All Might fanboy and he wasn't about to pass up on an opportunity like that. Sue him.

As the first two pots of coffee boiled, Izuku pulled out his phone and checked the message from All Might, noting an email that he must have missed earlier.

SM: Young Midoriya. A while ago I followed up on talking with David.

SM: During our chat, I brought up the idea of introducing you to his daughter, Melissa.

SM: I had David in my corner, helping me when I first started my hero career, and I figured you could also benefit from having someone like David in yours.

SM: Who better than his daughter? I can certainly vouch for her mind and skills as a support engineer.

SM: Anyway, she should have emailed you earlier this morning. Be sure to get back to her when you can.

Izuku couldn't fault that logic. It was a good idea to have connections with someone in the support field. And he figured it couldn't hurt to talk with her. Before he could think about it further, Izuku finished preparing the first batch of coffee for his coursemates and went to deliver them, earning several thank you’s from his friends.

As he returned to the kitchen to start the next batch of special orders, the verdette took out his phone again and went to his emails. He found the one from Melissa and began to read it.

Hello Midoriya Izuku,

My name is Melissa Shield (Or should I have that as Shield Melissa?). My dad, you probably know who David Shield is, said that All Might shared your email and the two of them thought it would be a good idea for us to chat.

I did see your performance during the U.A. sports festival and I have to say you were pretty impressive. I'll also be honest I have so many questions about your Quirk. I have some theories but better to hear it from the horse's mouth, you know?

Anyway, I'm blabbering. If you want to chat, let me know. I should be a few time zones ahead of you so there shouldn't be any issues there. I'll be waiting.

Melissa Shield

Izuku was more than open to chatting with her and shot her an email letting her know that he would be available to do so in a few minutes or so. As he was finishing up the current batch of coffee orders, his phone chimed, letting him know that he already received a response from the youngest member of the Shield family.

After delivering the next round of drinks, he returned to the kitchen and worked on the last round of coffee for himself, Shoka, Momo, and Shinso's pitcher of the brew. As the verdette waited for the coffee to finish, he read Melissa's email and began to get excited about the online meeting.

Izuku made his way over to hand Shoka and Momo their cups of the Wildkat house blend, hearing the laughter of the group of hero students as they continued to mingle.

“Here you go you two.” The verdette said, handing the two ravenettes their coffee with a warm smile on his face.

“Thanks, Izzi.”

“Thank you, Zuzu.”

“Hey, Midori!” Mina called out to the freckled hero student, “You wanna join us?”

“Sorry, Mina. I got an email from someone one of my mentors wanted me to meet. I'm going to head back up to my room to video chat with them.” Izuku explained, offering the pinkette an apologetic smile. He looked at Shoka and Momo. “Let me know if you two need me for anything,” he said to them, pecking them on the lips as he did.

He sat down the large pot of coffee on the table, causing everyone to look at it in confusion as he walked back into the kitchen for his cup of coffee.

Kero Why is that there?” Tsuyu asked the group.

Shoka and Momo prepared themselves for the inevitable surprise reaction from the group. It was sudden. The group jolted, nearly causing their drinks to spill when Shinso's hand shot up from behind the table. The indigoette shed away a purple sleeping bag he was swaddled in as he started to drink the caffeinated ambrosia.

The group of hero students watched on in a mixture of shock and academic curiosity as Shinso just ignored them. That was the scene Izuku saw as he left for his room. He climbed the stairs leading to the second floor and entered his room. The verdette stood in front of his laptop, turned it on, and took his seat, ready to meet Melissa.

Cam-to-cam, at least. He had to be honest with himself, he was more than curious to see where this would go.

It took a minute to set things up, though Izuku had to hold back from geeking out when he saw the logo for I-Island on his screen. Soon, the virtual meeting room was set, his and Melissa's image icons appeared on a bar at the bottom of the screen, and the young woman herself was on screen.

Izuku mentally froze as he took in Melissa's appearance. Shoto's theory came crashing through his mind with a vengeance. 'Why do I know all these pretty girls growing up!' The verdette mentally groaned.

“Hi there,” The curvy blond said with a wide smile, “It's nice to meet you, Midoriya.”

“S-same here, Ms. Shield.” Izuku greeted back, fighting against his stuttering as he refocused on the conversation.

Melissa gave a playful grimace before laughing as he addressed her. “Yeah, that's not gonna work. Please, just call me Melissa.”

“Got it. Then, please just call me Izuku.” The verdette breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't mind formalities, but Mr. H had really helped him be a bit more casual with a lot of his interactions. At least Melissa seemed friendly so far.

“So,” he said, moving the conversation along, “you said All Might-sensei gave your dad my email?”

“Yeah. My dad said that Uncle Might had a student he took a liking to, so he brought up the idea of us meeting each other.” Izuku made a mental note to geek out over that later and ask her about having Yagi-sensei as a pseudo-uncle growing up. “It seems the two had an idea of the two of us having a team-up like they did back in America.” The aqua-eyed blonde answered. There was a shift in her demeanor as if she was concerned about something.

Before Izuku could ask what was wrong, Melissa continued, “But I'm gonna be honest, there's something else to it... At least on my part.”

There was a poignant pause as silence filled the air. The glasses-wearing young woman continued to debate with herself. Izuku spoke up, catching her off guard as his voice carried through her speakers. “Take your time, Melissa.” The blonde saw a warm smile on his face that put her at ease.

“Alright. Well, um. Okay, better to just rip the band-aid off. Do you remember as a kid writing to someone by the pen name, 'Aegis'?” Melissa asked. Izuku could see a bit of hope shining in her eyes as she waited for his answer.

That name struck a chord within Izuku. “Wait,” Izuku's eyes widened in realization at the name. “You're my old pen pal!” The verdette began to smile brightly as some of his memories of those letters came to the forefront of his.

That smile soon faded when those memories stopped at a certain point, and then recalled his chat with Shoto yesterday about his pen pal. “Ah...” Melissa saw the look of shame on his face. She was about to try and say something to make him feel better when he finally spoke up. “I guess I ended up being a terrible friend, huh?”

“Well... It's not like I was any better.” Melissa replied with an equally ashamed look. “I didn't try to keep in touch after my last letter. There were a lot of things happening on my end that weren't easy to deal with, but that doesn't mean I couldn't try though. I'm sure you had your reasons...”

“That doesn't excuse my actions though,” Izuku said with a resigned smile. “I remember getting your last letter, but I don't remember ever reading it. It was...” The verdette stopped as a series of painful memories flooded his mind. “It was when my dad died. That was the start of it.”

Izuku had a tired look on his face when he faced the screen. “Do you remember in our letters that my Quirk never really came in? That I had it but couldn't use it” The curvy blonde gave him a nod. “Let's just say kids are jerks, and my school was full of them. A lot of them liked to say I was Quirkless. And then when my dad died and they heard about that...”

“They took it too far?” Melissa asked, already knowing where this was going. She frowned as she saw the hurt expression Izuku had.

“Yeah. The worst one was hearing that my dad committed suicide because I was Quirkless and ashamed I was lying about having a one.” Izuku let out a humorless chuckle. That was one of the only times Bakugo defended him. Didn't help in the long run, but it made that time a little easier to deal with.

Izuku gave the aqua-eyed engineer a worried look, more of his memories about their letters coming to him, with one sticking out the most. He remembered that one sentence that had as much fear in it as it did hope. “Please tell me you didn't have to deal with that.”

Melissa felt her heart beat faster at his concern for her, feeling touched that the verdette still didn't think less of her after all this time. “Not as bad as you. I know Japan has its issues with how Quirkless people are treated. I mean, I still had times I had to deal with that kind of prejudice, but as I grew up that was more directed at me being a Shield. You know, 'You only got this far because of your dad.'”

“I'll be honest,” Melissa continued, “I did have moments of doubt about our friendship. There were those people who thought I was lying about having a friend. After all, who wanted to be friends with the Quirkless kid? And when we stopped writing to each other, well... Once other people start to get into your head about things...”

“You start to believe them to some degree. And it's hard to think otherwise.” Izuku finished her thought.

“Yeah...” The two were quiet for a while. Both of them did not know what to say to the other at the moment. As Melissa looked up at her camera to say something, she would turn her head away just as Izuku would do the same. Soon, the silence was broken, by telling the other what they felt needed saying.

“I'm sorry, Melissa.”

“I'm sorry, Izuku.”

The two young adults looked at each other through their cameras, their eyes wide in surprise. That uncomfortable silence had shifted to a normal one before they broke off into laughter. Whatever heavy emotions that were in the air see were starting to lift as the two couldn't stop themselves from their merriment. They had finally calmed down after a moment, their laughter dying down as they kept their eyes on each other.

“So. Still friends? Even after all this time?” Melissa asked the verdette. A weight was lifted from her shoulders as she looked at Izuku, noticing that his smile had such warmth to it.

“Still friends. Even now.” Izuku replied. The freckled Psych user resolved himself, then and there, to make up lost time. He didn't want to lose his friend again.

There was a nagging thought in the form of Shoto's voice that brought up that his long-distance friend was another attractive girl. Same as Shoka and Momo. And that he seemed to date attractive girls he met through long-distance means.

But Izuku chose to ignore that and not give Shoto this kind of victory. For now, it was time to reconnect.

“So. How have you been, Melissa? We've got a few years to catch up on.” The blonde seemed to perk up at the question.

“That we do. I've been good. Following my dream and working on support gear. I actually have a license to make commissions since I managed to get my bachelor's in Support Engineering recently. I'm going for my master's right now though. Having that helps open more doors.” Melissa replied with a small level of pride in her voice.

Izuku was impressed. He figured Melissa must have worked hard to achieve that. He had to figure she was only a year or two older than him. “I'm glad to hear it, Melissa. Anything you have on hand to show off?” He asked.

The curvy blonde shook her head. “Not at the moment. All my stuff is in my lab. Next time though!” Her aqua eyes widened when a thought crossed her mind. “Give me a sec!”

Izuku watched as Melissa frantically left her desk. He blinked owlishly at her actions and simply waited for her to return. The glasses-wearing engineer quickly sat back down and placed a notebook and an old copy of Quirk rEvolution on her desk.

“Alright! I got my Quirk and gear notes!” Melissa said. Her excitement was apparent as she flipped through to Izuku's section.

Before she could begin her inquiry, Izuku stopped her. “Oh, you make Quirk notes too, huh?”

“Yep! I like to see different Quirks to give me different ideas for support gear.” The curvy blonde explained.

Izuku nodded and reached to the side of his desk and pulled out several of his notebooks. “Same, though mine are for study and trying to replicate Quirks with my own.”

“Awesome! So, mind sharing what makes your Quirk work? I remember you said it was a stockpiler back when we were kids, but you couldn't find your trigger.” Melissa looked through her entries as she talked. “I have an idea of what that trigger is though. It's those pins you were wearing. I got a good look at them during your last match when you wrapped that strip of your jacket around your hand.”

Izuku chuckled. Her excitement was infectious, to say the least. “You got it! I have to make my own pins. The art and everything, while having an idea of what I want them to do in mind while I create them.” Izuku took the notebook that had his notes over himself and his Quirks open to help him elaborate. “I have ten pins but nine of them are Psychs, as I call them.” He put a hand on Ego, drawing Melissa's eyes to it. “This was my first pin and it's what makes everything work.”

Melissa hummed in thought “Your Quirk is really versatile. That makes it pretty hard to figure out what to make you that could help you out but I will figure something out.” Melissa said. She looked back to her notes, going over her ideas and seeing what needed fleshing out.

“You don't have to force yourself, Melissa. I appreciate the thought though.” He really did appreciate it. He just didn't feel like he earned her support.

“Nope!” Her reply caught the verdette off guard. Izuku looked to see a warm smile on her face, her eyes shining with determination. “My dad and Uncle Might thought we could be partners. Well, we already were. We both shared ideas on Quirks and support gear. And...”

Her aqua eyes locked onto his. “I promised myself when we were still kids that I would make you something to help you and your Quirk. That means I'm already your support tech.”

Izuku felt the resolve in her voice as she spoke. He found he couldn't find any reason to deny her claim. It honestly made the verdette elated to hear such a declaration.

“Then I'm in your care, Melissa. I'm glad to have such a great support tech watching my back.” Izuku said with his usual bright and warm smile on his face.

Melissa blushed slightly as she fiddled with a lock of her hair. Her voice was quiet as she spoke. “You're putting a lot of faith in me with those words. You haven't even seen what I can do yet.”

“I don't need to. I believe in you, Melissa.” His voice was steady. The curvy blonde could just tell he meant every word he said. It reminded her of when they first started to write to each other.

She was glad that they found each other again. Even after all these years.


Walking through the busy streets of Musutafu, through the bustling crowds and patrolling heroes was the trio of Izuku, Shinso, and Shoto, all dressed in casual clothes for the day they had planned. Izuku and Shinso moved with a purpose.

They had a mission.

Operation Defrost was a go.

Their first stop of the day was the most important. After all, it's pretty much a staple of their growing group. And the most needed. Izuku and Shinso already knew that their mentor would help their coursemate in his usual way.

Shoto was relaxed at least. While he was still reserved with his interactions and responses, Izuku and Shinso were happy to see their scarred coursemate put in the effort to break through his shell. He was curious as to where the verdette and indigoette were taking him but trusted them enough to follow their lead. So, when he saw a small café off in the distance, it was somewhat of a surprise.

Izuku and Shinso wasted no time making their way in. The two gave out a greeting to their mentor as they made their way to the counter.

“Hey, Mr. H!”


The dark-haired café owner gave the trio a grin as they sat down. “Sup, Phones. Brewd.” Mr. H greeted his two mentees. He directed his attention to Shoto, giving the hero student a once-over. “And you must be Todoroki.”

Shoto gave him a nod a quick nod.

“Well, welcome to Café Wildkat, Peppermint. I already know what those two want so I'll ask you what your mood is.” The coffee maker said to the bicolor-haired student.

The nickname caused Shoto to raise a brow at the sudden nickname but rolled with it, knowing that it must be a thing with the coffee maker if Izuku and Shinso's reactions were anything to go by. Not being a coffee drinker, the scarred hero student scanned the menu hanging on the wall. His eyes darted over every item on the board, though none seemed appealing to him.

Until he saw one drink that had him curious.

“Iced coffee?” Shoto asked the café owner.

“That one caught your eye, huh? Give me a sec and I'll get it made.” Mr. H replied, moving over to the kitchenette.

Shoto nodded and started to relax. He looked around the café, taking in the atmosphere as soft music played in the background. “It's... Cozy.” The bicolor-haired young man said with a hint of warmth in his voice.

“It's the best spot in Musutafu, that's for sure,” Izuku replied.

Mr. H came back over with four different drinks in hand. “You're too kind, Phones. But glad to hear it, Peppermint. I certainly try.” The café owner said gratefully.

As the four were about to enjoy their coffee, BK and LK made their appearance, much to the joy of Izuku and Shinso. Shoto watched as the two cats claimed their spot on their humans when he heard a rather dull meow next to him.

Izuku, Shinso, and Shoto turned to see the newest addition to Café Wildkat's clutter, a snow-white cat with a patch of faded red fur on its front left leg and a flame-like patch over its left eye. The cat's heterochromatic eyes bored into Shoto's as the human and feline had a stare-down.

Izuku blinked at the scene, surprised by the appearance of the new cat. “Hey, Mr. H? Whose our new member?” The verdette asked his mentor.

Mr. H took a sip of coffee as he watched Shoto and the cat continue to stare at each other without blinking. “That's FK or Frosty Kat. He showed up sometime during the sports festival. Him and BK seemed to have some sort of beef before BK pretty much considered him a friend. The funny thing is, it happened after your match with Peppermint.”

As the café owner finished his explanation, Shoto and FK seemed to finish measuring each other up as FK moved onto Shoto's lap.

“Where are the others?” Shinso asked, looking around the café for RK, SK, and VK.

“RK and SK went off together to do their own thing. VK probably won't show up until later tonight.” Mr. H explained the whereabouts of the missing cats.

Izuku, Shinso, and Mr. H heard a hum from Shoto. Mr. H raised a brow at the intense look on the bicolor-haired young man's face as he went deep into thought. Izuku and Shinso recognized what was going on and while Izuku's expression went flat, Shinso's didn't hide his amusem*nt. Shoto shot the verdette a look, narrowing his heterochromatic eyes going back and forth between the freckled young man and the star-eyed cat perched on his head.

It didn't help the FK seemed to mirror the Half-Cold Half-Hot Quirk user's actions.

Thankfully, for Izuku at least, Shoto kept his thoughts to himself. The verdette swore to keep an ear to the ground should his new friend begin to let his theories run amok.

“So. What's the plan for you guys?” Mr. H asked, shifting the conversation.

The coffee maker listened to the trio of hero students as his two mentees laid out the plans for their hangout. Shoto provided some commentary here and there, but it was obvious to Mr. H that the scarred young man enjoyed the chance to explore a bit.

And with a father like his, Mr. H couldn't blame Shoto. The café owner never really got good vibes from the Flame Hero.

So to see that small smile on Shoto's face, shared by Izuku and Shinso, he had a feeling that things were going to be looking up for them. After all, it was always nice to get a new Kat to join the crew.

It helped keep things interesting.

The four chatted the morning away, or until their first few cups ran dry. Mr. H would tell little stories he thought were interesting enough to share, Izuku and Shinso would have a few of their own. Jokes were traded as laughter filled the air. Inane conversations were had with no one even feeling bored with the tangents those conversations went down. Shoto simply listened, and though he was enjoying himself for the first time in years, he couldn't help but feel like he was lacking.

Mr. H saw the very faint look of inadequacy in Shoto's heterochromatic eyes. So did Izuku and Shinso. Not wanting to leave the scarred hero student in such a state, the café owner spoke up. “What's on your mind, Peppermint?”

Shoto thought about what to say, taking a minute to figure out just what to say. “I'm sorry to say that I don't have many stories to tell. I appreciate that you three are including me but I feel as though it may be a while before I'm truly a part of our friend group.”

Mr. H, Izuku, and Shinso let Shoto's words linger a bit. The scruffy coffee maker was the first to reply, “Well, consider this, Peppermint. You just found yourself some good friends. It will always take time to build up that friendship to something meaningful. To have those stories to tell.”

“Life is made up of moments.” Mr. H explained. Shoto listened with rapt attention with Izuku and Shinso simply letting Mr. H do his thing. “Most are small. Some are big. The importance is always up to you. But you got time to fill up your life with those moments that mean something to you. You'll get some of those stories to tell.”

“And that's why we're here, Shoto,” Izuku interjected. “Today is a chance to get you some of those moments.”

“Just know that with us, it's never a dull one, that's for sure,” Shinso stated as he went to drink from his cup of coffee.

Shoto let out a hum. He brought his coffee cup up to his lips, his free hand petting and giving attention to FK. Behind the cup, one could see a faint smile on his lips.


“Alright Izzi, which move do you think could give you an idea for a new Psychronization?” Shoka moved the handheld gaming device to give Izuku a better view.

The verdette looked through the move list of the swordsman with a yellow scarf Shoka was controlling when his eyes landed on one particular move. “Let's see this one.”

“Got it.” The ravenette selected the attack to show off, going through the other three characters and selecting their moves for the battle.

Sitting at Izuku's desk reading a book about military and police equipment was Momo. The busty heiress couldn't help but giggle at the sight of her two lovers as they were getting inspired. However, she couldn't fault them as she was doing the same in a way.

Izuku and Shoka watched as the next battle phase commenced as the blonde staff-wielder used a wind attack against Shoka's enemies. When it was the swordsman's turn, Izuku took in every detail of the attack. A red blade of energy was summoned and crashed into a single enemy, carving into the earth before exploding. The freckled Psych user stared wide-eyed at the scene, an excited expression on his face.

“So? Think you got something from that?” She asked her boyfriend.

Izuku thought about the move he had just seen and fiddled with his pins. Ego helped, bridging the gap in his knowledge when Excalibur and Orbit seemed to call out to him. Only something was missing and it wasn't another Psych.

The verdette scratched the back of his head, his face scrunching up as he tried to figure out the missing link. “I think it can work but we will have to see. I can't seem to make a full connection.” Izuku explained.

Shoka shrugged. “Well, at least you know you can do it, just not now, I guess.”

“Perhaps it may be an issue of power output?” Momo's suggestion caused Izuku to consider her point, both watching the gears turn in his head as he worked out the problem and possible solutions.

“It's something to consider. Despite Megiddo and MAC Round having power behind them, that power comes from the application, not the start-up.” Izuku explained. He looked back at the game Shoka was playing. “Got anything else to showoff?”

“Oh yeah, tons of fun stuff.” Excitement was fully apparent on Shoka's face as she started to bring Izuku further into the game. “Plus there is more to see in the sequel.” The slender ravenette added.

Momo giggled as the two got lost in the game. “I must say, it is something unique to see you find inspiration from a video game, Zuzu.”

“Hey,” Shoka quickly objected, “inspiration can come from anywhere. And what better place than kickass games.”

Momo nodded, conceding to Shoka's point. She couldn't argue against it. After all, she sought inspiration from even the most obscure sources.

The trio fell into a comfortable rhythm as they simply enjoyed spending their time together. Momo grew curious and joined Shoka and Izuku on his bed and watched her fellow ravenette play her game while Izuku continued to study the abilities displayed by the characters. From there discussions were had, the three bouncing around various topics or whatever had crossed their mind.

The sound of Izuku's phone going off caused the trio's attention to shift. The verdette dug through his pockets, took out the cellular device, and let out a surprised hum.

Aegis: Hey, Izuku. I am in my lab and have some of my tech ready to show off.

Aegis: You free at the moment?

“Who is it, Zuzu?” The buxom ravenette tilted her head as she looked at Izuku, her curiosity getting the better of her.

“It's Melissa. She's in her lab and wants to show off some of the support gear she's made.” Izuku read out.

Momo's eyes began to sparkle as her bouncy personality came to the forefront. “Right, you said Yagi-sensei wanted you two to see if you would click as a hero-support team. I'm curious to see what she has created.” Her onyx eyes quickly shot to Izuku as she pleaded to him, “Do you think she would mind if we joined?”

Izuku smiled at her and shrugged. “It doesn't hurt to ask. What about you, Shoka?” He asked the gray-eyed young woman.

“Sure. I don't mind joining you nerds.” She replied with a teasing smirk. “Plus it'll be a good time to meet another friend of yours.” Shoka's smirk turned into a mock pout as she continued to speak, “I swear, I'm gonna have to tell Peppermint that he called it with his crazy-ass theory.”

Izuku chuckled at the slender ravenette's antics as he typed away his message.

Phones: I'm hanging out with Shoka and Momo at the moment if you don't mind some extra spectators.

Aegis: That's perfect! I'll show you what I mean when you all join the room.

Aegis: If they're game, they can join us. The more the merrier!

Izuku looked at the pair of ravenettes and shot them a thumbs up.

Phones: Alright! Let me get set up and we'll see you in a bit.

As he put away his phone, Izuku got off of his bed and sat down at his desk. As he booted up his laptop, the two ravenettes joined him. Shoka stood behind the verdette, putting her arms against his back as she leaned over his shoulder. Momo took the time to create her own seat as she opened up her blouse, slightly blushing as she decided to make it a show for her two lovers, and used her Quirk to make a small stool for herself.

The three watched the screen as the I-Island connection screen appeared for the chat room. Not long after, Melissa appeared, fiddling with her camera.

“Alright. Can you see me?” She asked as she took a step back.

The throuple nodded as Izuku spoke up. “Yeah, we can see you, Melissa. How are doing today?”

Melissa let out a relieved breath. “Good. And I'm doing fine, Izuku. Thanks for asking.” The curvy blonde's eyes darted to the two ravenettes. She smiled, giving the two a friendly wave, “Hi. I'm Melissa Shield. You must be Shoka,” the blonde said as she pointed at Shoka before then pointing at Momo, “and you must be Momo.”

“Got it in one.” Shoka chirped.

“Sweet. By the way, you both killed it during the festival. The match between you two was pretty awesome.” Melissa said to the two ravenettes, earning her a proud smirk and bashful smile. “So, how do you two know Izuku? We chatted a bit but we're still catching up on lost time and he only told me names so far.”

“He met us both on Hero Scramble, though I know he met Momo after me.” The slender ravenette answered. She smirked at Izuku, a shiver running down his spine as he already knew what she was about to bring up next. “Then the dork decided to charge a villain to save my ass and that was the first time me and him met IRL.”

“Oh, wow... That's one way to do it.” Melissa's eyes went wide at that revelation as she was not expecting that kind of story. “You're going to have to tell me that story soon.”

“It is a rather interesting one,” Momo replied. She turned her attention to Izuku giving him a small mock pout, “even if it is an example of Izuku's brave heroic recklessness.”

“Yeaaaaaaah, I'm aware of that. He kinda showed it during the race with that stint at the minefield. I believe my dad later said it was something Uncle Might would do.” Melissa gave Izuku a playful smirk. The verdette shrunk in on himself, a shaky smile on his face as he couldn't look any of the young women in the eye.

“Anyway,” The curvy blonde said, getting the conversation back on track, “I'm already working on something for Izuku but I was able to plan out something for you, Shoka.”

Shoka was surprised by that declaration, not expecting the blonde to have considered making her something. “That's... Pretty neat. And also surprising. Whatcha got for me?” The slender ravenette leaned in closer to the screen, an action mirrored by Izuku and Momo as their curiosity got the better of them.

They watched Melissa type away on her computer when Izuku received a new file in the chat. Shoka couldn't contain her excitement as a simple blueprint for a mask was shown. While she was as hero-tech savvy as Izuku and Momo, from their chattering she assumed it was a solid piece of gear. “Nice. What made you think of this?” She asked.

“Well, during your matches I noticed that with your Quirk, your hearing and senses were amped but your sight was still normal. And with flashbangs or just bright lights in general being a thing to worry about, this should help mitigate the effects just a bit.” The blonde engineer explained. “Plus I added some extra bits to give you an edge like low-light modes and threat registry.”

As Shoka listened and was impressed by what Melissa had in mind, Izuku mulled over the designs and aesthetics of the mask, taking note of how the lens operated. “What do you mean by, 'Expression Reader'?”

“I'm glad you asked!” A bright smile formed on Melissa's face as she readied herself to go over its unique design. “So, you know Spider-Man, right?”

“I am!” Izuku responded excitedly. He was starting to get what Melissa was attempting while Shoka and Momo were catching up. “You have the lens acting like eyes in that they can help display Shoka's emotions!”

“And a translation for us nonhero nerds?” Shoka asked with a teasing smirk.

“I believe Melissa is attempting to allow civilians who are near you to feel comfortable around you while you have the mask on. The eyes are one of the most expressive parts of our bodies and are something we as a species are drawn to.” Momo began to explain. “If you hide those features, people are more weary of you. By allowing this mask to convey the same expressiveness as your eyes, it will put them at ease and trust you.”

“Exactly! There are so many different renditions of Spider-Man, but he is still always the 'Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man'.” The curvy blonde posted several links in the chat. As the trio watched the videos of the web-slinger, Melissa continued to provide commentary, “And with a lot of his movies, games, and animations, they add the feature of expressive lens to his costume. All of that adds to his character. Though some of those extra features I added are more inspired by Batman.”

Melissa began to feel a little sheepish. She fiddled with a lock of her hair as she spoke, not looking at the camera. “It helps that both are my favorite Pre-Quirk comic book heroes.”

Shoka smiled at the aqua-eyed engineer. “Hey, we all get inspiration from somewhere.” As her words helped put Melissa at ease, the slender ravenette nudged Izuku's shoulder with her own. “Izzi and me were just looking through one of my games to give him some ideas.”

“You too, huh? I do have something that was inspired from a Pre-Quirk game that I have been working on for a while, but there are issues...” Melissa grumbled out. “If you ever played or at least heard of Mass Effect, I'm trying to make an omni-tool.” The curvy blonde became more and more disgruntled as she spoke.

Momo was intrigued about what exactly Melissa was talking about. “I have never heard of Mass Effect or an omni-tool. What exactly is it and what issues have you been encountering?”

The aqua-eyed engineer didn't answer right away. But by her expression, the three hero students figured she was mentally cursing the project. “First off, you are missing out. Back on track though, an omni-tool is an item from the game that is a tech person's dream. It's like a personal mini super-computer. One issue is trying to figure out how to get hard-light holograms to work or even just having interactive holograms. And then convert them into an interactive computer that is contained within a wrist-sized device because I don't even want to touch tech implants. NOT TO MENTION,” Melissa's tone grew louder and more incensed as her rambling had now turned into a rant, “trying to make sure the indexing for personal codices works! Which, thankfully, I've made headway on that part since I had to design an entire operating system for one of my classes. Then there is the hacking, the light production, wireless capabilities, and a slew of other things that I want to make sure are added!”

The throuple watched as Melissa took several calming breaths, her large chest heaving as she took a moment to collect herself. As she did, Momo decided to look at the source of the aqua-eyed engineer's project, getting lost in the lore of the world she just entered.

“Plus there is the need for funding. Since this is a personal project it comes down to me to find the money and materials to work on it.” The curvy blonde ended with a pout.

Melissa went still for a second, realizing that she just vented out her frustrations to an audience. She blushed and began to mess with a lock of her hair as she nervously darted her eyes to the camera. The curvy blonde's lips formed a faint smile when she saw the look of understanding in Izuku's eyes while Shoka tilted her head, nodding several times in a way that said she got where the engineer was coming from.

“Melissa...” Izuku, Shoka, and Melissa turned their heads to see Momo pulling out a checkbook from seemingly out of nowhere. The three of them noticed a manic look in the busty heiress' onyx eyes as she focused intently on the blonde. “I am going to offer you funding, I only need a number. I simply ask that once you have developed a working prototype, I can have one designed for me as support gear.”

For one of the few times in her life, Momo was willing to flex the Yaoyorozu name.

As Izuku, Shoka, and Momo were building up their newest friendship with Melissa, near Shizouka, Shoto took several tentative steps into the hospital where his mother was receiving care from. To say he was nervous was an understatement. He was fearful. As the scarred young man had a mental battle within himself, he felt a supportive hand on his shoulder.

“Take your time, Shoto.” Came the voice of his sister, Todoroki Fuyumi.

Fuyumi is a young woman who is several inches shorter than her younger brother. She has long white hair with several flecks of crimson stands mixed within. It went down to her shoulders, styled with ear-length side bangs that framed her face and several clumps that hung over her forehead. Behind a pair of red, rectangular glasses were a pair of gray eyes.

She was wearing a white, button-up shirt underneath a grayish peach-colored cardigan, with the sleeves of both rolled up to just past her elbows. The whitette had a pair of form-fitting blue jeans on, with a pair of brown dress shoes finishing off her ensemble.

Fuyumi looked at her younger brother, giving him the time he needed to build up his nerves. Seeing him nod, the two Todorokis entered the hospital, beginning their way up to their mother's room. It was a quiet walk, neither of the Todoroki siblings having much to say. Fuyumi glanced at her brother, struggling to find something to say to him. As they entered the elevator, Shoto began to speak, surprising his sister.

“Thank you, Fuyumi. For coming with me today,” Shoto said. While his voice maintained its cold and emotionless state, the older Todoroki could feel a small bit of warmth and gratitude from his words.

The whitette gave him a soft smile. “It's no problem, Shoto.” Another bout of silence fell between the two as the elevator began its ascent. As they passed the first floor, Fuyumi spoke up, “Mom's missed you, you know? She always asks me about how you are doing.”

Shoto didn't answer right away, instead letting his sister's words linger in the air as he took them in. “I see.”

The elevator seemed to speed up as they neared the floor their mother was on. The doors slid open, allowing the two to continue on their way, Fuyumi leading Shoto as they walked down the hall. Shoto stopped as they came to the door, the scarred young man hesitant to enter.

Fuyumi placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him an encouraging smile, and opened the door. “Hey, Mom. I came by to visit.” The older Todoroki sibling crossed the threshold and gestured to the door. “And someone wanted to see you.”

Shoto followed in after his sister, his heterochromatic eyes softening as he saw his mother for the first time in years.

The Todoroki matriarch turned around in her chair, giving her daughter a kind smile. Her brown eyes widened in surprise as she saw her youngest son standing behind Fuyumi.

Todoroki Rei still looked like how he remembered her from his childhood. Long, white hair that draped down to her shoulders, and a pair of brown-gray eyes that had a warmth to them instead of fear. She no longer looked as though time and pressure wore her down, her face having the same soft and mellow expression it once did.

Shoto froze, not knowing what to do or say at the moment. His heart clenched when he saw tears forming in the corner of his mother's eyes. He didn't know when he did so, but he gave her a smile that spoke volumes to his mother.

And soon, those tears ran down her face, past the smile on her face that in turn, spoke volumes to him.

It was like the smile he remembered long ago.

A Hero's World - Chapter 31 - FawkesWrites - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)


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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.