The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)

FROfCSSlONAL PROFESSION Al PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL PROFESStONAt PROFESSIONAL -THE AGE, Junt 8, 1960 INTtlR.JTATI PROFESSIONAL rTOACHER, SCIENCE, for Catholic J. Secondary Girls' School. Must have teaching as well aa science qualifications and be able to leach Matriculation Physics and Chemistry. Good salary and conditions. Reply HOI.

Age. TEACHER, male or female, for form j. St. Bernard's C.B.C.. Moonee Ponds.

Subjects can be ar- ranjert Ft'7-115. OUCHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE. A most Interesting position Is available for an alert representative. Metropolian territories available, Income In excess of C14.V). Pleaie write to 41.49.5.

Age. TECHNICIANS, TV (2), required 1 for larse city retail organisation. One for bench work and the other for part bench and field work. Must be conversant with all makes. Sound, permanent and remunerative positions are available for the rlcht men.

PB.T.iM, Mr. Curnow. 179 Russell Melbourne. Head Office of One of Melbourne's Leading Radio. Electrical and Television Retailers lo operate 1 "2-line Switchboard, Must br experienced and possess pWant personality.

Some shift work. Rxcellcnt Salary and Conditions. Ring Mr. Madden, WEBB'S RADIO, LW.T305. PHONl'ST- RE CEPTTt5NTfif7- Exnerlenced P.A.B.X.

Switch board Operator, for part-lime shift duties at the Preston A Norlhcole Community Hospital. Some typing ability necessary. For Interview telephone Personnel Officer. 44 0241. KRONBORG.

Manager. TELEPHONISTS req. by Melbourne Telephonlsle Bureau for perm. Fltzroy. Sen.

l.V Ring LA 4950 (9 a.m. -12 nnlyi. TELEPHONISTS- RECEPTIONISTS nhoitt v-ara mrl. GAR-DINKR PROF. SERVICES.

80 Swan- Mon st. MFamv 11ELETY PISTE. TR A NS A USTTt ALT A AIRMNKR require a Tcletyot.i!e or Typist to train aa a Teletvplite for shift work at tr-elr city office. Excellent conditions Include week' annual kav, free and con cemlonal air travel. Apply lo Mr.

Harris. l'lih Floor. 339 Swans ton Strft Melbourne. Phone 3 2023. TELEVISION TECHNICIAN.

ELEVISION TECHNICIAN, TELEVISION TECHNICIAN. Qualified and Experienced Technician required for Workshop and House service of Television Receivers. Good Salary, depending on experience. Modern and Efficient Working Conditions. Applications to Mr.

Ryan, Service Manager, THE MUIR ELECTRICAL CO PTY. 440-4M Kellor FX5404. WkM'PORAR Receptionist forl 1 months, mature. Some exp. In ihe motor business an advantage.

Rlni Mr. Shalltis. FJ'Jlll. TYPIST-STENOGRAPHER Required for Office ot Engineering Firm. Hours: 9-5 p.m.

No Saturday Work. Ring Mr. King. 716 7331. foi Appointment.

COATES CO. tTD. PROFESSIONAL (Continued from Prev. Page) STOREMAN CLERK, TELEVISION. An Interesting poll Hon li offered la a competent and dependable msn In the Outward and Inward Section of a rtpidly expanding.

TV Retail Int Arm, situated In Prihrtn. Duties ire mainly of a clerical nature, but aome physical handllni of goodi required. Common irnte neat handwriting art the main qualifications, but tome experience of TV would be an advantage. The position If permanent and a food salary offered lo the right man, who would be prepared to accept very convenient day ahlfl after training period. Phone LA6593 for appointment.

TORY WRITING I STOTTS CAN TEACH YOU- -SCC Many student earn long be SCC fore completing their course. SCC Contact STOTTS. 157 Fllnd-SCC en Lane. SURVEY CHAINMAN. Price wanted to repeg l.V) Iota Ml.

Martha area. Box G.P.O. Melb. SWINBURNE TECHNICAL LEGE. John Street.

Hawthorn. Applications, closing June 18. are invited for the position of HEAD ELECTRICAL MECHANICS' HEAD ELECTRICAL MECHANICS' HEAD ELECTRICAL MECHANICS' DEPT. DEPT. DEPT.

Applicants, who should possess an A Grade Wiring Licence, will be required to orjranlie and supervise the training of apprentices In Electrical Mechanics. Salary 19M to 1981 per annum Application itstlnz Z. qualifications, teaching experience. If any. should be addressed to the Director.

SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR. JUNIOR. Medium size switchboard Know ltd ze typing desirable. Opportunity given to learn bookkeeping machine. Good galary and conditions.

Phone MX 21 83. IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES OF AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND LIMITED. STENOGRAPHER-RECEPTIONISTE A Senior or Experienced Junior Stenographer la required for our Plastics Technical Service Laboratory, situated in a garden setting at Stanford Street, Aacotvale, and adjoining our Central Research Laboratories. Hours: 9-7. 3-Day Week Exert lent working conditions Including cafeteria and other first-class amenities.

Telephone Mr. L. Perrott, FU8881. rpELBVISION TYPIST. We need a smrt.

Intelligent, accurate Junior Typist, for our buy Television Division, Besides typing routine ol TV Production. you've had previous Advertising Agency experience all the better. If we'd still like lo meet you. Television Is fascinating, exacting work, and If you'd like to Join the team, phone" MU03S1 for an sp-palntment. JOHN CI.EMENGEH PTY.

473 BOURKE STREET. MUiHM. flUB MACKAY REGIONAL ELECTRICITY BOARD. ENGINEER. Applications are Invited for the petition of Sub-Station Engineer D'vlaion 1.

at the Board's head office, In the City of Mackay, Queensland. The appointee will be engaged on th design, construction and maintenance of 56 and 3.1 kV substations, and ground-type distribution Sub-stations, and will have under hi direction the Board's Drawing ofner and Electrical Workshop. Qualification required are Corporate Membership ol the Institution of Engineers. Australia, or equivalent. The salary range for the position It JtS3 8 to 20K3 eluding coat-of-llvlng adjustment and dim let allowance.

Appointment within the range will be dependent on qualifications and experlrnce. Conditions of employment will be accoraancc wnn inr pinni ni ntnnin and removal txoeiues. afler completion of 12 months' service. Annual leave Is lour weeks ant a superannuation scheme Is a liable alter a qualifying period. Applications are to contain full particulars of training, experience, qualifications, age.

marital status, and oniM of credentials, and will received by the Secretary not later than June 20. 1950. J. A. INGLES.

MANAGER. P.O BOX JS9. MACKAY. QUEENSLAND. ROYAL MELBOURNE HOSPITAL invlle applications from suitably qualified medic) Practitioners for appointment to the Honorary Office of ACTING THORACIC SURGEON.

To commence duties as soon aa poulble until September 1. I960. Further details may be obtained from the Medical Superintendent. Applications, on the oresecrlhed form obtainable from the undersigned, ciose 15660. AFTON MORCOM.

Manager. HE ROYAL MELBOURNE HOSPITAL, requires Senior fTir lnlrrtlne and re sponsible' position In- Operating Theatre sune. Appiy reraonoei urn cer. 34 0266. AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING COMMISSION NEWS TYPIST Salary Approx 18 p.w.

inc. penalties Speedy and accurate Typist for typing or news bulletins for local and overseas transmissions. Shift work of 36 hours per week. Permanent appointment, with superannuation. Excellent sick and recreation leave.

Apply: MU6911, Ext. 148. TYPIST-CLERK EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY. For Our Sales Division at Head Office. This Is a very interesting position for a capable, intelligent girl, who likes variety in her work.

Apply Personnel Executive, PRESTON MOTORS 104 Russell City. 63 5061. COPY TYPIST JUNIOR. IS TO 11 YEARS. ROQTES (Auit.) LTD.

Manufacturers of Humber. Hill-man And Singer Cars. Cnmmer and Karrlrr Trucks. Require the services of a JUNIOR COPV TVPIST. To work fn their modern offices at Fisherman's Bend.

Excellent commencing salary. 5-DAY WEEK. Free medical service. Social and sporting clubs. APPLY PERSONNEL MANAGER ROOTES (Autt.) LTD.

Salmon Street, Port Melbourne, MJY44I. mRACER. AppUuUonti art JL vtted for tht 4bov poilUoni. uutn i ncn wno mv na mors thtn 2 jrr txptrtencc. WhlUt not uitntltl.

work ex perience In irkclnf of atreeta and underground dralnie construction plana would be an advantaie. Applicants arc request to sub mlt simples of work and penman- JMiarr lt 10 per wee. ft. W. J.

YOUNG PTY. Consulting Engineers, Suite 7. 445 St. Kllda. Melbourne.

BM4931. HH.H)(I). TRAINED Nurse for port I ton as Ltboritor Aulifmt far Uni versity of Melbourne Department of Medicine at Royal Mel bourne Hospital. Duties include Industrial Surveyi. performance of teats nf lunr functions and sutervlilon of clinical research projects.

AtPl7 Kit, $08. TRAINEE ACCOUNTANT. A LARGE PUBLIC COMPANY HAS A VACANCY FOR AN ACCOUNTANCY STUDENT TO ASSIST THE The work Is of an Interesting nature In pleuant conditions, and offers a splendid opportunity for a youni man, lo-m years, 10 iun experience In all nhasea of comnanr ac counting, with food prospects fox luiurc advancement. An excellent Provident Fund Is also avaiurjie. Applications should be addressed to: The Secretary, THE GAS SUPPLY CO.

252 Swanston Street, MELBOURNE. Or Telephone, Mx, Ferguson. IB293L flRAINZE SALES REPRESENTA-I TrvE UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER SALES iv rMililr kiii and nthilslas- Uc young man, 16-18 years, to train aa a aaies iui vui expanding organisation. This Is an excellent opportunity and carries with It splendid conditions and a liberal salary, whilst undergoing training. Call or telephone MU0732 to arrange a friendly and confidential Interview with our Mr skinner.

Stotl and Underwood 411 Lon-sqaie Mei pourne. rpV INSTALLATION. SALES REPRESENTATIVE. We rfoiilr an exD. man for TV Installation and tales, A good salary, ana commission win oe paia ana a vehicle la provided by the company.

For interview please rlnt Mr. Brown. CANBERRA TELEVISION SERVICES PTY. 85-87 Holmes East Brunswick, Phon FMS5I1 mYPING TUITION Call now. I 1 MELBOURNE SCHOOL OF typewriting, i caRtoourne PRAHRAN.

51 G58R. 6 fi Term. rnYPING. Day or Evg. Start now.


Tuition. JL Awby, 4th Floor, Block Arcade. Ellz. St. MF6696.

mYPIST RECEPTIONIST. cellent opportunlte for young Lady. 20-23. of smart appearance and bright personality, capable of dealing with VJ.P.'s for large Automotive Co. in P.

Melb. Transport to and from City Commencing salary to IS P.w. EXCLUSIVE STAFF SPECIALISTS PTY. 301 Flinders St, MB3391. (3 doors Ellz.

St. Stat. Ent.l. rpYPIST-RECEPTIONIST. for spe-J.

clallsts' rooms. Apply 3rd floor. R2 Collins 9.30 Sat. TUTOR A full-time position la vacant with a Business Training Organisation for a Qualified Accountant or one at the final stage of examination. For a person Interested In people and their development ths vacancy provides the opportunity for congenial employment which would be permanent to an appointee who proves competent.

In first Initance apply In writ-Ins, glTtng detaJIi of educational and business oalifle-Uona. 42.745. AGE, COLLINS MELBOURNE, TVPIST We require a young "lady preferably between 17 and 20 years of are for general typing duties. The poaltlon 1 located in very attractive centrally heated offices, and working condition! Include hours 9 to 5, five-day week, shopping time, three weeks annual leave. All our girls stay with us a Ions time, which we consider a good recommendation for this position.

Salary will be fixed In accordance with aire and experience after en Interview. Please apply by telephoning Mrs. Cassells at BM2561, or by writing to: PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION Pty. Ltd. Management 34 Queens Road, Melbourne.

TYPIST-CLERK For Interesting; Work In our Accounts Department. Permanent Position in the Heart of the City. Apply Personnel Exeoutlve, PRESTON MOTORS 104 Russell Street, City: 63 5061. CLERK TYPIST FEMALE SENIOR, Required for Large Organisation. Five-day Week.

Salary Commensurate With Ability. Apply Berkeley Apparel 07 Flcminifton Road, North Melbourne. FJ1079. FITf PISTE-CLERK, Person with alert end pleasing personality required icr ioihwiui covering elementary bookkeeping, typing, relief switchboard and reception. Position involves varied duties with a progressive eniatlye firm.

Rlni Mrs. Davn. between 10 TYPISTE CLERK. FEMALE, lor pay office. Must be experienced lometer an advantage.

Apply JOHN CRUNDALL KNITTING MILLS PTY. (Ml norm wi- mond. Telephone LW331X a.m. snd '2 p.m. MU3427.

TYPISTE STENOGRAPHER. A capable young lady Is required oy a Client iur iHicaeoiiKi hh secretarial duties, Modern offices, located city. 5-day week. Apply A. B.

McMullln St Chartered Accountants, 21 BoUrke St. Melbourne. 63 6212: A.H.. BJ5016. TYPISTE, Junior, required for Interesting work.

Good wlw-' with annual increases. work, and congenial conditions. Perpetual Executors snd Trustees Company. Telephone fpYPISTE, JUNIOR, Wtiirea oy atcurstT snd will be required to operate Telephone Switchboard. Ap-.

Secretary, ply Se rpyp SHIELD DRY CLEANERS. 36 Hr.wer Rd. Bentleleh. 37 am Invited from Senior TWletea and Junior TreUlM from 18. for typns only posltlona with liadlni Fire.

Accident and Marine InauFance Companj. AppUcj-tlona aUo Invited lor posltlona requiring shorthand. Apply Secretary. MERCANTILE MUTUAL INS. CO.

log Queen street. Melbourne, TYPISTES AND TYPISTE-CLERKS. to 18. We have many new pos. avail, day by day.

rltv Melb. St. KJlda R'mond ay? Rlni MARTINS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 69 4914, or 69 6590. No lees at all.

WANTED Uriently, Hamilton Boys' Collese. teacher, for general Science (inter. I. Chemistry. Physics.

Biology (Leaving and Ma. Apply Bog 213. Hamilton. INDOW DRESSER. rpoulre an Experienced Person capable of doing Manchester Nspery Windows, and.

to slst In Sales. WESTS LINEN STORE, 37 Swanston Street, MF3888. WOMAN, ssslst office duties, full psrt time. Hours by arrangement, at home or on premises, experienced pay roll desirable but not essential. Attractive salary.

Apply Spotless Dry Cleaners, 119 Chapel Windsor. LA4666. 20-40, for Invoicing, telephone and typing. 5-day week, S-3. 1 hour lunch.

Must be experienced. Lxcellent wages. Apply with references only. J. H.

Kohn. 127 Wattle Tree Malvern. Do you want to earn money in your spare time SELLING I King lilt-ilioa. or can lauvra, 185 Bourke Street. City.

WORLD WIDE Travel Organisation requires Male Office Junior, 14-15 years. Must be bright, willing and pleasant. Telephone 62 4345 for appointment. YOU can become a qualified Hairdresser in 1414 months if you are trained at the ACADEMY, Write, phone or call. Academy.

.140 Little- Collins Streel. Melbourne. MU36BQ. 7T position, combination of sales, secretarial, purchasing, occasional country snd lntcr-State trip. Take charge Piano Department and occasionally assist other salea.

ESSENTIAL QU Well educated and able to play the piano, driving licence or own car. Someone with personality who i Interested in meeting people and who doesn't want a "humdrum. stick-in-the-mud" existence. WON -ESSENTIAL (JUAUrlLA TIONS. which could help: Knowledge of advertising and photography, typing, sales.

Ac. IN SHORT, we are looking for someone with brains and personality who can play a tune on a piano, the rest will be easy, as every assistance will be given. MONEY Naturally, very good. BOSS We'd like you to be capable of being your own, at least most of the time. TIME OFF Use your own discretion.

We're In business lo set results ana not to watrn -tne ciock. PLEASE write, giving full details of ouallftcatlonj In eonfl- denee. to 43.0S6. Air. An opportunity exists for a bright and cheerful person In our retail stationery snop.

References preferred. Apply Stationery Manager. McCARRON BIRD PTY. McCARRON BIRD PTY. 479 Collins Street.

C.l. An opportunity for a mart lad to learn the stationery trade. References preferred. Apply McCARRON BIRD PTY. McCARRON BIRD PTY.

479 Collins Streel, C.l. MAN, bright, required by wholesaler In fashion trade for despatch work and clerical duties. Previous warehouse experience desirable. Good salary. Apply 3hlpton Co.

Pty. 37 Swanston Melbourne. Phone MF6685 for ap- YOUNG LADY required for Office In Prahran. Some typing ability. p.m.

Good appearance Apply after 11.30 a.m. to J. A. COATES 8t 161 Greville Prahran. LA4987.

HOLIDAY RESORTS MELBOURNE SUBURBS A A.A. DEVA PRIVATE HOTEL. 444 ST. KILDA ROAD. First-class Holiday Accommodation In Melbourne's finest locality, a mln.

city dble. and family rooms. H. and C. water or wllh prlv.

baths, spacious and luxurious surroundings. Tariff from 246 a day. Incl. First-class hotel breakfast. Garage.

Free Car Park. Reservations. Write. Phone BM4263. OFFINGTON PRIVATE J9y st.

Kiiaa Koaa. Scle. Dhle. and Family Rooms. Permanent Full Board or D.B, and S.

Business. Tariff. Excellent mesls. large lounge, continuous fire. TV, piano, rooms.

Cully serv. and C. water all rooms car space. 7 mln. city and beach.

BM4233. CIOUNTRY and Inter-State Vlsl-j tors will find comfort. Dble. tray b'fast. 445 Elizabeth Si Melb.

SAXON PRIV. HOTEL. 1JLWOOD. Servllla Private Hotel. exclusive 4a Ormond Esplanade, and B.

and evening dinner, car space. TV, right on Melbourne's popular beach. Reduced rates for children. Telephone 53 3331 (' 1 REAT Southern Hotel. 16 Spen-J cer Melbourne Near Spencer Street Station.

150 bedrooms. H. and C. water, elevator, TV. tram at door, B.

and t'l. MF3980. 1 LAUNCESTON PRIVATE HOTEL, 603 ST. KILDA Melbourne, Offers superior Accommodation, excellent cuisine. II, snd C.

all rooms. and Irom 23. Even-In? meals available. Special weekly tariff on application. Phone bl 7673.

INTER -ST ATE NEW SOUTH WALES BED and Breakfast. Well-known Klrkton Private Hotel. Newly renovated. H. and C.

water. carpet each room. Handy pity and beaches. S. and family rooms.

Moderate tariff. Telegraphic address, "Hoodsyde." Sydney, 29 Dar-hnghurat King's Cross, FA4104. TjONDI. N.S.W. Tarleton Private XX Hotel.

Special Daily Holiday Tariff from May till December 1. Adult 1 children 15. B. and B. and C.

water, car-pels Tel. all rooms. FY5333. TJ'OTEL Imperial, King's Cross, J. J.

Sydney (unlicensed). Ideal location, city 'area. Parking available, next door, elevator, night porter and TV, hot and cold water all r. Room and 256. Phone FA70M.

KING'S CROSS, 9 Springfield Av. FL3127 (4 lines). Telegrams: "Nuranlne," Sydney. This First-class Prlv, Hold has 50 bedrooms with and phone, bed lamps, radio, Two theatres, shopH adjacent. TV In lounges, TARIFF, 45 dally (Include all meals, morning teas, paper and afternoon tea).

Children price. Cots, high chairs, strollers provided. Perm, reduced. 'JYPIST. 1 COUNTRY ROADS BOARD, Applications are Invited for the Salary will not be less than at the rate of TIB nF annum fn- an adult shown for a Junior.

At IS years of an. 7 lft1 week: 17 years, 8 41: 18 years, 8 188: 19 years. 10 76; 20 yean, til 166. Three weeks' annual leave, liberal ick leave, and after a probationary period the successful applicant will be eligible for appointment to the permanent staff. Applications and Inquiries should be addressed to the Personnel nm.

cer. Country Roads Board. Exhibi tion nuuoiruj, canton. TBI, FJO301. Ext.

312 or 295. not later than 10 a.m., Wednesday, June 15, 1960. YPIST. YOUNG LADY. With about 2 yean' experience.

Modem Central Five-day week, 9,-5,15 p.m. THE TRUSTEE EXECUTORS 6 AGENCY CO. 401 Collins Street. MELBOUBNE. (Telephone Mr.

Corni.n, t2 64K1.I PIST CLERK. MAC Wt require a capajble and efficient aenlor. aged between year, with wide experience In accounting liiuuuuin Uliu KCiitrreJi UII1CC WOr. Initiative and the wjlllngnes to accept responsibility are essential qualities, together with the ability of directing a amait atalT. Preference will be given to an ippiicam wun a 01 inert-hand.

The position li full of opportu- iicicoib. aaiary til P.w. Transport to and from Nobis BRAEMAR ENGINEERING CO. PTY. LTD.

Princes Highway. Noble Park. 740 .9671. rpYPIST. J.

Senior or experienced Junior for Invoicing, small switchboard and general office work. Permanent pas I- tlon. Five-day week. Hours 9-3 p.m. Manacer.


Permanent Poaltlon. with scope for advancement. House Discount la available jOW Permanent APPLY THE ACCOUNTANT, MAPLES Phone LA1481. TELEPHONIST TYPIST ROOTES (Autt.) tTD. Manufacturers of Humber.

Kill-man and Singer Cars, Commer and Karri er Trucks. Require Telephonist Typist, to operate a T.A.B.X. Switchboard, Excellent commencing salary, 5day week, social and sport Ing Clubs. Apply Personnel Manager, ROOTES (AUST.) SALMON STREET. PORT MELBOURNE.

MJY441. TELEPHONIST Temporary Position Available at One of Our Subsidiary Companies Situated In the Brunswick Area. Fpr Further Particulars Please Contact Mr. Phillips, HILTON HOSIERY LTD. 480 Albion Street, West Brunswick.

Phone FM5252. OPPORTUNITY! Applications are Invited from YOUNG MEN Aged 23-28 years, desirous of making; a career with Australia's leading finance house. applicant will be trained In Hire Purchase, and associated operations with the view of future appointment to executive positions. Accounting background Is desirable but not essential. Salary approximately 1130 a.

and liberal staff superannuation benefits. Written applications should be addrused to THE MANAGER. INDUSTRIAL ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION LTD. 60 COLLINS PLACE, MELBOURNE. Please mark envelope "Confidential.

YOUTH 17-19 YEARS Conscientious and willing, to apply himself for advancement In Progressive drawing office supply company, commencing as a plan printer snd assistant In photographic reproduction pro-cetslng. Good wages and prospects for successful applicants. Te tephone MU 1 1 09 for a -polnlmenl. MAX-WURCKER PTY. LTD.

13 HJUinWARE STRKF.T, mklhourne. fWXHE REAL ESTATE MANAGE-1 MINT CORPORATION LTD. jtequlrM the services of ft Competent INVESTMENT ADVISORY OFFICER to handle publicity snd wsnlse Advisory stn owim fruit Investments, Ac. The position offers pects to appllesnt over 30 years ol flVlit of investment inr! experlenc For further details tekphont MB. WEifT, 67 5901.

ftiolv'Hsv'lLLB i7, SENIOR ASSISTANT ENGINEER tbi ASSISTANT ENGINEER nEI'ARTMiiNT AnDllcatlona are hereby Invited lor tn above positions on int uoun- APBhcinu lor either should hold a Dfr glneerinx Irom a recognised University or corporate membership Applicants for position (a) iliould appfieants for poslfion ibl iumt experience In pUnnlng and wiih th retoective shove' mentioned departments of a muni rhf'ia lanes for rhe noUons are: iitini Knsineer. Aiswtant FJinmeer, 1550. Tne council, however, wouia oe pre- cut Ions or exDcrlence ipcclally suited to tne pjsiuonB, ahould Include oar- tlcuiara of academic quallncatlojis, deuilcd experience, mariui stsius, war service tit any), together wiu nnlv of references, and ad' dressed to His Worship the Deputy Mayor, a no tuaorsco armor na- lalonl Cnvln.r" "AalUtant Etl- lnr ar.fl lodlrert" with the TOWO Clerk "by Yi poon, Thursday. July The council will contribute to the removal expenses anu fares ol the appointee on the buis of first -elan ran id res tor nunseii aria lamiij. niii Miinnitlii removal unmsu.

ui: a n.nlt of 21X). provided he enters Into a bond to stay with the council for a period of at least two yea is. Further If necessary may be obtained upon application to tne unacrsixnea. B. CAMPBELL.

Town Clerk. Tnwiuvliie city Council, Townsvllle. Nortu Queensland. TRACER, permanent position available In drawing office of leadlnc Are protection engineers, for Junior or senior i racer, imcrcaiiiiK worn, excellent conditions, superannuation. Ac.

Apply Mr L. a Roberta, WOR-MALD BROS. (VIC) PTY. 453 Wllllamstown PORT MEL tiuumst. mjii.

rTlRACER. CIVIL. reaulred assist In preparation of plans for street construction In land de velopment pro ecu wrougnoui victoria C.ooA salary and conditions. NICHOLS St BORROW PTY. Jiii Collins street.

Meioourne. ieie- NURSE 1 The Medical Eye Service requires a rrainea nurse, wun view to permanent nosltinn Annllcatlons Ir wrltlnc. In the ftrit Instance, statins see and qualifications, addressed to Sister In Charge. The Medical Eye service, bU-iU riinaera iane. Mei- Dcurnr.

TYPISTE-CLERK under 24 years PERMANENT POSITION. LIBERAL SALARY, Non-contributory Petition. Write or Telephone for Appointment to: THE LIVERPOOL LONDON GLOBE INSURANCE CO. 415 COLLINS STREET, MELBOURNE. Telephone MBtfiOfl.


Offices. Overlooking Yarra Park and near Wellington Parade and Jollmont Station. 9-5. 5-day week. LIBERAL SALARY, Apply OFFICE STAFF APPOINTMENTS 337 Lt.

Collins St. 62 1265. 62 1341. TYPIST CLERK Australia's largest Plastics Organisation requires the services of an Experienced Female Typist-Clerk. Applicants must be competent Typist, a knowledge of Shorthand would be helpful, and previous experience In a Purchasing Department would be an advantage.

Please Telephone for an Ap- 8 ointment to the Employment nicer, NYLEX PRODUCTS PTY. FEMALE TRACERS ANNUAL LEAVE. PENSION FUND. NEW SOUTH WALK ESWELL. 365 Utmm looklnj Harbor and apacHS at transport.

10 ml! i from B. aiw mi; Phone rB2428. NiSd kindness and value. osuntY MA6923. cVnii Vi 5I- ShODS and tiieat ntir newly renovated.

romi, Wlttr V-HEN IN SYDNEY "sTav THE METROPOLE A Sydney's Larrnt friendlikthotl from 35 (Single) ioV-a, Teletrams: Metropole'r- QUEENSLAND BHOAUBEACII (8rtfU, AVAILABLE now, beach front, ever? Hi. W. machine, men. ct'tieVv i Macey, 604 Stafford fcd ford Brisbane. '70'" BURLEIGH II ADR BLAIR AUmI Guest House pL cvwii.

cmeny counlnt orad.for. Writ. COOLANOATTA ia.u." A irint ai (Slp JOHNSON Co A NARAGEN. H'm Flat, enjoy sunshln In J1'1' Kcomrort. 'Wrlte'Boi 23 Gun't Holi new building tab e.

Pull Bd. nnx TSL CTELLA Maria Guest HJuVe Parade. Coolaniatl. si'J Queensland Happ, happy aueau on the Gold Cc, Exce lent armmmwi.iim. situated.

ladni aurl beach ffil Tweed Rend. 3' MERMAID BEACH nyLf.t' Mermaid Beach, aea-lroal I Count, prefer 3 li 6 periods; l'j una. per week on around level, no steps all ViZ trie, sood H.W.S.. 4 bedn Ph. Dr.

Wade. BLB086 BURPERS- PARADISE DECKERS I.uury Flats. poo handy thins Lwvja- KDCiStTER lJ 'i' AVL "P- Pslrolled bith now oHera cheapest holiday on coij' Full Board 12 12 per Wllh 'our tours 15 t5 pt, 1 Children Special Rati. Write Direct Phone 9 -i 61 EA BREEZE," larseKt holiday Hotel on Coast. Riir).

on Surfers' Beach Incl. hot b'fast. irom ''5 r1 Write "for broch. Phone 9 -1151, UURPERS' Paradise. -j5odo.

oear. a.c. iat. centre ir, shops, beach. Write IS Trlck-m si 11DAY SURFERS' PATUDtsT FULLY INCLUSIVE TOtlR GO NOW PAY LATER NO INTEREST CHARGES A 10-day Dream Holiday at Chn.

ron Surfers' Paradlre, return filihi X-Mi Vmcouni jftltn for the all Inclusive cost of fw snd only 8 deposit, the hVi: slice is paid over 11 monthi IN. TEREST FREE. You fly flrii. class comfort of T.A.A. Super Viscount and -nloy the flneM urvla and accommodation with nrhiw sundeck at Chevron Surfers Pug-dlse.

Full cost for your lO-di slsy at Chevron Is ,17 11. inrlud'-Ing all meals, a one-day tout. in1 i I.ala nisht at the fabulous Pari din Koom at Surfers' Paradise Hotel Call at the T.A.A. Holiday Travel Service, 250 Collins St. FB02'i or the Chevron.

519 St. Kllda Rm LA1281. The Dream Holiday tour la available to everyone cash or pay-later plan VICTORIA ASrENDALE (Seaside). THE FLA TEL," 1 Nepean Hy. S.C.

Flats. Villa, gate on bch. Nightly, wkly. XY1283, XY1208. BALLARAT (Country CT.

ANDREW'S PRIVATE HOTEL Dawson St. N. Excel). Accom. rnone uDoy.

new manazement. BAYS WATER (Count 171. WALDHEIM Farm Guest Houw. meals and accom. TV.

Children welcome. Mr. and Mn. Busch, jun.9 1062. BRIGHT (Countrr).

IJOOK Dally Tours. Mt. Hot ham. XX Klewa hydro-clcctrlc. Mt.

Bui-fain, Hoy's Passenger Service. 122. Also Alpine Package Tourv Kortn-easi ana snowy mountain. DAVLEJiFORD (Conntryt. FURNISHED Cottages.

A parts. Mn. Murphy. Vincent St. Ph.

FLINDERS (fteiatde). Andrews. irUnders. VacmtiM HnlirlB Wt-ek End Oall Coume now in good condition. Tl.

Flinders 2. HEALESVILLE Country I A LLAMBEE." The Best. Y. Jrl where the tea pot Is always os the go. Ring or write.

Mr. Mrs. Bernle ChltU. Phone 4e. SC.

Holiday Flats. 1 and 2 bedr, vacs. Queen's birthday. Hl-vllle 436. LAKES ENTRANCE (Seaildtl.

TAKESIDE MOTEL. Your Horn au-ov from hnmp Flllll luTD. Holiday Flat. Melb. XF3389.

SELF-CONTAINED Modern Flat, take 4. central, book new. Mr, D. Bulmer, Hunter St. MABVSV1LLE (Country I A VILLE'S LARGEST MOST POPULAR HOUSE.




J2U4 WRITE JACK HAYCRAFT. PHON1 MARYSVILIjE h. i rr mi-. Hfil ISE i Vacancies Queen's Birthda Week End. All facilities for your comfort and entertainment.

Spaclou grounds. In bushland seitlns. Our excellent reputation ensures the nippiest holiday. Write or phone 10. fclarshati Hull, manager.

"TT'ERAMI. Bed lamps, and IV C. all rooms. TV, ballroom, billiards, lennls, table loir, awlmming. hacks, continuous te buffet, b'fast trays, prlv.

ihosmi and toilet units. Vacancies now. Plinne Marysvllle J. VV" MARYSVILLE Hotel, H. and reading lamps every priv.

billiards, table tennis, golf, hacks, b'fast trays. Few van. television, ounaras. rpitE GOLF HOUSE, TO fabulous Queen's Blrtndnr ws eTrf 'Accommiaatlor, Co" brf-dlnE. TV.

nlsht tennli SoSJie. ilountaln trm5ii ifanclrid. tine lood. Rim man Murphy. Marysvllle S.

MeCRAE (Seaside). JOVELV View, house, accorn vac. holiday w. end. 56 (nuvmn r.i.n hnuse.

3 llt.wooD. lurn. house. rj miles clly. holiday June 16 onwards.

53 8954. boolnes. DOUBLE or some Flstlnr, beach. XY4J76. OLINDA (Connlry).

"rTHE GEORGIAN. most el; slve and best-appolnled sue" house In the hills, utmost coin'JJJ lor guests, every lacillty. un EJ" tle. conventions. c.

Write tor brn- churo. Ollnda 9 2223. rilll.Mr ISLAND I Selele HOLIDAY Luxury rials, all H.W.S., sewered. Ac. TV.

Phone LA 6948; A LA6449. RYE CONTEMPORARY new mod. 100 yda. lovely beach, accom. 7-10.

sun deck W.S.. tea tree settlnn. Vac. no aM al: year through except Xmas nlrhl. 27 2283.

SASSAFRAS (Cojirlrv). CLOVELLY Guest House, new manaucment. brcaklast trays, aflernoon tea. aupper. TV, sep.

sunroom. tennis croquet, billiards. Rlns Saasafraa 154. SEA FORD AVAIL. Now on.

Mod. H.W.S., op. beach: 3 1" JA2S73. SHERRROOK (Countrrl. "CSHERBROOKE Queen's Birthday Week EnJ.

Vacanclea available. superior ae com. and food. comf. lieai Inn In rooms.

Beaulllul grouncli. Phone 759 8244 (local SORRENTO (8cas1fll. ABSOLUTE Comfort. Diamond Flala. XL1067.

MIBCEMJlNEOUS. AVA11.AD1.F. Rosebud, now. Xmas. all-clccl.

Home. Inc. W.S aom. 6, at beach and jnM'; wcant. mod Hon TV.

op. beach, 544 4867. WANTED xmas tortnlsht. nwj ern Holiday Home, accom. Dromana.

Sorrento. rpYPISTS AND OTHER FEMALE OFFICE STAFF. "CAREERS THE CLERICAL EMPLOYMENT Have Clients Requiring Girls for veil-paid, permanent fobs In city arid suburbs. SECRETARIES. STENOGRAPHERS, TirlDTts, uuciirv.T.

BOOKKEEPERS. Sic CAREERS UNLIMITED." 2nd Floor, York House, Little Collins Street fpYPISTS iFemalej, married or single. Vacancies In several de- parimenis vicionan ruwic bmiw, Salaries, for typing iwd 90 w.p.m. Adult 13 145; sfter 12 months. til Oo; alter iuiur Salaries IB, juniors, age run.

for typing speed 42 w.p.m. Adult i fir 19 month. 174. Juniors, special rates. Apply nonallv.

Personnel Officer, Public iervlce Board. Treasury Place. rpYPISTEBOOKKEEPER is required for Interesting work Wltn a my ruunc Accuuniam, She should be 18 to 20 years of age and be interested In figure work. The varied duties Include audltlns, bookkeeping, typing and one 5-day week -In every four will be worked In the country. For the efficient lady required salary will be well above award.

and other working conditions are excellent. Please apply In full confidence, by oivinp details of ace. experi ence, education, address, telephone numbers, to: J. R. COGHLAN A CO.

PTY. LTD, Consultants to Managements, 387 St. Kllda Road, Melbourne. rpYp ISTB, SENIOR. EXPERIENCED GENERAL AND INVOICE TYPISTE.

No Saturdays. Good Salary and Conditions. PHONE 61 3161. MR. RAWARD.

REMINGTON RAND-CHARTRES PTY. 130 Little Collins Stieel. rjrrp: SUN INSURANCE OFFICE LTD. 34 QUEEN STREET, MELBUUKN15, MB2381. Has Vacancies on Its Staff for VDIINfi LADIES.

Who like Interesting work, under congenial conditions. FIVE DAY WEEK. LIBERAL SALARIES. FULL AMENTIES. rpypiSTE.

Leading Inter-State Transport Co. has a vacancy for iuuiik L.HUJ, bbcq 10 years. Applicants should be capable of fast and accurate tvnlntr nrlvjmtnpo tn no able to handle correspondence. This position offers consent al working conditions in a modern office In Footscray Road, with liberal salary, and participation In a staff profit-sharing plan. Hours 8.30 a.m.

till 4.30 p.m. No Sat. work. For interview, phone MW7351, Mr. McGee, THOMAS NATIONAL TRANSPORT (MELBOURNE) PTY.

654 Footscray Road, West Melbourne. w.Jl. rpyi PISTE. JUNIOR. About 16 years, with some knowledge ol shorthand, for Interesting, per manent position.

SU-day week. Good opportunity for advancement If ambitious and capable. Please give details of previous experience snd phone number If any. Co Armstrong's Agency. 305 Queen Street.

MELBOURNE. CABLE DEPARTMENT. Ability operate Teleprinter advantage. nxcciicni ionaiuona. Attractive Salary.

Superannuation Fund. Three Weeks' Leave. Ring for Appointment. WM. HAUGHTON A CO.

545 Little Collins Street. icmarnwa MU3QJU, fTiYPISTE-CLERK. JUNIOR J. Position offered to responsible, intelligent young lady, general office duties ar.d secretarial asslstsnce 10 senior rnncer. Generous salary to rleht Dei-SOn.

Arivanr-Mnent In re- sponslbTlltles and Income will fol low gooa service, very pleasant office and excellent conditions. Hours 9-3. No Saturdays. Write or phone Miss McDonald. Master Builders' Association.

JA4647. for appoint- ADDllcatlona are Invllurl tn, th position of senior Female Typlste-Clerk, for duties In our hea'd office. In Dorcas Street (which Is opposite the Shrlr.e). Good conditions, generous discounts on personal purchases. Appiy.

wun reiercnces, to Personnel Officer. ROCKMANS 72 Dorcas Street. South Melbourne, inonc MX4bU4, '1 11 piste-CLERK, 16-18 years, knowledge of shorthand preferred, but not essential, Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. No Saturdays Mod urn offices and amenities.

Excellent op portunity lor advancement. Apply personally. Dudley Sherlock, Manufacturers' Representative, "Leylyn House." 7ft tlliv Rrratot nrt Mai. bourne. Telephone 64 3219.

64 3210 ior appointment. fTTYPISTE. with some knowledge of and Interest In bookecpfng and prepared to lesrn operate Mercedes accounting machine: fl-dav week Phone, call or write. C. STOKES A CO.

PTY. 27 William Street. MELBOURNE. 62 4971 YYYPISTR iYrlniri a.nln. quired for typing invoices, good conditions, uniforms provided.

Hours 9-0 to 4.45 (3.30 Frldayi. Applv, l.1jL.r.eiSrenci- SIMPSONS MANUFACTURING PTY. 156 Barkly TYPIST-CLERK Interesting position in Marketing Department is available to a Competent Senior Girl. General Office experience and an Interest In Sales Correspondence would be appropriate qualifications. Office Is modern, with natural light and In the city.

Write, giving details of age and experience, to 42,994, Age Office COLLINS. MELBOURNE. TYPIST-TELEPHONIST Junior Female required by major Motion Picture Distributor. Moura 8.43 a.m. to 3 p.m.

No Saturday Work. WARNER BROS. Hnt Nalion.1 Pictures, MO QUEEN 81'REET. MtlROIT. YOUNG MAN ROOTES (Aust.) LTD, Manufaclurers of.

Humber, Hlllman and Singer Cars. Commer and Harrier Trucks. a Have an attractive vacancy for a young man (15 to 17 years) with Intermediate or sub-Inter, standard of education. 1 This position gives the successful applicant an opportunity to advance himself Tn a large manufacturing company. Excellent Commencing Salary.

3-DAY WEEK. Social and Sporting Clubs. Apply PERSONNEL MANAGER, ROOTES (Auit.) LTD. RAIMON PORT MEIJI, MJY44I. Competent JUNIOR or SENIOR TYPISTS required for interesting posmon.

Modem building. Top amenities. BEARING SERVICE CO. OF AUflT. BEARING SERVICE CO.

OF AUST. PTY. PTY. 376-384 William Street. 376-384 William Street.

MELBOURNE. MELBOURNE. TYPIST, Junior, to assist the Bursar and to help in general work of office. Apply by letter to Mead Mistress, Tlntern Church of England Girls' Grammar School, Victoria Ring wood East. rpYPIST.

Young Lady, 17-18 year. experienced In general office cmues, required for Dunning cum office. Duties Involve typ ing, switchboard, filing and general tiuiiciu wont, snorinttna sn advantage, but not essential. Opportunity for bright girl. Apply P.

T. JEFFREY J'TY. 7bl Station Bor Hill. WX8811. rpYPIST CLERK.

We require for our general office rhe services of a capable lady with typing ability snd office experience. Interesting and confidential duties. Excellent conditions and amenities. Good commencing salary. Part-time could be arranged.

Apply SERVO MECHANISM CO 505 Lygon East Bruns- mYiIST reauirM for Bonrral office. A including Invoice and Ledger typing. -Some clerical work. No snort nana. Age preference 'M to w.

Few mini) lei cliv. No Saturdays. Senior talary 15. Opportunity to Street, South Melbourne. MA3U1.

fnY PIST-CLERK reaulred by li J. voice Department of Manufactur ing rirm in fori meiuourne area, 10 mln. from city. Hours, 8.45' 4.45 5-day week. 3 weeks' leave.

Excellent conditions and salary. Ring MJ2141 for aDDOlntmenl. MINER ALS (VIC.) PTY. 217 Ingles iorf raeioourne. mYPIST BOOKKEEPER female.

A required by rapidly expanding motor organisation. Cju allocations: Previous experience In motor trade an advantage. Excellent salary. Hours 8.30 a.m. till 5.30 p.m.

Call or ring for appointment. Klncb Motors Pty. 309-311 White Horse Kuna wading. Phone ITTYPIST CLERK. Young Lady.

16-18. with some clerical xnowicagc, jnours 3.10 io 5 p.m. No Lunch provided. 3 weeks' annual leave. Phone fdr appointment.

Secretary Central Memoaist Mission, lis Lonsaaie at. rn.ll (O. TYPIST CLERK, experienced fe male, to 35 years, required with experience in banking, checking and central office duties. SDeed and accuracy In both typing and figures la required, o-aay ween. c-xcciiem salary, j-or appointment pnone vrr filer Lent Ptv JBIfill.

rpYPIST-CLERK. A competent experienced Junior la required for an Interesting position In an expanding organisation. A good salary Will hn nnlrl trt the rlchl Blrl. Apply Accountant. B.B.

CHEMICAL CO. OP AUST. PTY. Epping rtoaa. i nomasiown, rnonr io iDti.

TYPIST CLERK. Junior. 15-17 years, required for wholesale halrdresslng suppliers. opposite flinders St, stn. Typing essential, day week.

Excellent wages. Apply 13 Cnn. llih l71lnH SI-: 1 Phone RS TYPIST, required for Advertising Agency, modern air-conditioned office. Excellent, amenities. 5-day week.

Apply with references, to ARMSTRONG'S AGENCY. 178 Queen St. Phone 67 1749 for ap- Dolr TYPIST CLERK required for Sales Office of leading merchants. lointnieni. Above award salary, excellent amenities.

5-day, 35-hr. week, fares paid from city. KNOX SCHLAPP PTY. LTD. Graham Port Melbourne.

rfWPIST. Senior, for solicitors office. Good salary and condi tions tor ngni person. King iooj TYPIST. Typing and general office duties at new Secondary Teachers' Coilefie.

University of Melbourne. Puullc Service hours and conditions. Ring FJ9011 lor appointment. TYPIST- Young lady 1 approx. 18 for smau consuuani uiuce in House, Very pleasant working conditions.

Salary to 12 10. Ring MFIftAd rpYPIST CLERK, for general office JL duties, at our warehouse. Short-lisnd not essential. Hours 8.30 10 4.30. Apply R.

White Pty, 69 Cromwell Collingwood. Phone 41 31 rpYP 1 214 1 ptst Rceeotlonlst Clerk. JL Junior, required for Interesting ply Personnel Officer, THE ROYAL MELBOURNE HOSPITAL. 34 0266. TYPIST CLERK.

conscientious, 14 10 per week. 554 Swan ston t. anion. 1 nam iwit Dlaeiloa ITlKfiH ffTYPIST, about' 17. required, Rich-X mond; to.

10 P.w. Phone Vf CQQCU TYPIST. Filing Clerk. 16-17. Mod.

city office. To 9 5. MF3S80. mYPlST, 23-25. Interesting work.

Clly office; 16. MF1I46. fpYPISTS. ALL STAFF PLACE-X MENTS PTY. Allans Building, 2(o t-ouinj aireei.

rmiu for: rrrv Printers. 1(5 years, typing. varied duties, relieve switch. FL1NDKKS Ufinti LI' in years, to be trained Burroughs Accounting Machine. CITY.

Queenabrldge St. Senior Typist-Clerk. Si, ViU- nwnu. 17 years copy typing, clerical duties, trained relief telc- Ehonlst, also top senior typist-clerk, xcellent salaries and conditions. BURNLEY Senior.

Invoices. OAKLEIGH Engineering. Tele-jhonlstTyplst, up to 20 yrs. Well-Lnksn nun I jinnernf. Please contact Miss Erwln.

63 81U1 rffypiSTE CLERK, senior, female 1. required by leading Management Consulting Arm. Interesting but hard work, salary In the vicinity of 15-1 16 per week. Ring, write or call J. R.

COGHLAN (X), PTY, Consultants to Manace-ment. 387 St. Kllda Melbourne. 26 4576. TELEPHONIST Competent Telephonist required by expanding engineering co.

In Moorabbln area. Typing ability would be advantage, excellent salary, congenial conditions. Apply writing, giving full particulars to A. G. COOMBS PTY.

26 Cochranes Rd. Moorabbln. TYPIST Experienced Senior or Junior is required for our Accounts Department. The position offers a variety of Interesting work, with good working conditions, and an attractive commencing salary. Uniform! ara Provided.

Interviews may toe arranged by Telephoning the Personnel Officer at 317 904L AUSTRAL STANDARD CABLES PTY, llampatead Roaii; Maldstane. TYPIST CLERK STENOGRAPHER Excellent positions arc Available In a central city office for Two Young Seniors, Typist. Clerk-and a Stenographer. Interesting Work, Associated with World-wide Sales Organisation, Burroughs Limited ML' 8 301. Mr.


to 5 p.m.. Monday to Friday. Pleasant office. Good amenities. Close to all transport.


STENOGRAPHER SENIOR PREFERRED An attractive young lady, of good education, desiring to improve her position, is offered interesting secretarial work under excellent conditions in modern City office. Congenial stall. Generous salary to the successful applicant. For on appointment phone 62 1411 TYPIST STENOGRAPHER Senior (J 9-30 Yearn) A vacancy exists in the Corporation for a competent Typist who has had considerable experience in general office procedure, including filing and some reception duties. SALARY: At 19 Years.

11 16 Per Week. At 20 Years. 12 16 Per Week. Adult Salaries Rising to 15 113 Per Week. HOURS: 8.40 A.M.

to 5.00 P.M. No Saturdays. Othir Attractive Stan BeneflU. Catl. Write or Phone the Employment Officer, GAS AND FUEL CORPORATION of VICTORIA 196 Flinders Street, Melbourne, C.l.

MF0391. PART-TIME We have a permanent position becoming available for an experienced and competent Stenographer to work on a part-time basis. For further details write or telephone Personnel Officer, H. J. HEINZ CO.


PTY. LTD. To cope with expanding activity require TELEPHONE TECHNICIANS and a TECHNICAL CLERK Experienced In PABX and PAX Installations and maintenance. Applicants should contact Mr. Bryant or Mr.

Carlile, at 394 Latrobe Street. Telephone FJ0211. STENOGRAPHER 21-30 Years (Appro.) GAS AND FUEL CORPORATION OF VICTORIA A competent Stenographer Is required for our Gas Utilisation Laboratory, located at 596 Little Bourke Street (near Spencer Streel). Attractive Staff Benefits, including Superannuation. Hours: 8.40 a.m.

to 5 p.m. Salary: 15 168 to 17 13 weekly, depending on age and experience. Opportunity to rise to higher salary. Apyly to the Personnel Mejiater, GAS AND FUEL CORPORATION OF VICTORIA 196 FLINDERS STREET, MELBOURNE. C.l.

MFU391. Required tar ENGINE DIVISION DRAWING OFFICE Preview, experience n. trncer de.lrible but not reienlt.l. Minimum edueitlon.l riuAllflcatlnn. mu.t be to the Intermedins Standard with an aptitude tor drawing.

Salary In accordance with qualincatlona and experience. THREE WEEKS' SICK LEAVE. Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation Pty. Ltd. Larimer Street, Port Melbourne.

Telephone MJY771. SUPERINTENDENT HOME SERVICE DIVISION Applications are Invited for the position of Supervisor of the Corporation's Home Service Department. DUTIES: (a) The supervision of home economics activitiesIncluding administration, organisation of demonstrations, cookery Instruction classes, and advice to the public on Home Service Problems. (b) Supervision of the Corporation's domestic economy extension work In country areas, which are supplied with town or Heatane Bottled Oas, and also in private and public schools. (c) Preparation and editing of publications of cookery and home economics.

REQUIREMENTS Degree or Diploma In Home Economics granted by a recognised education authority; preferably ylth experience of radio television demonstratiuis. SALARY: Commencing salary according to qualifications and experience out not less than 1600 per annum, i Applications, In writing, giving details of age, experience and qualifications, should be forwarded not later than Monday, June 13, 1960, to: The Personnel Manager, GAS FUEL CORPORATION OF VICTORIA 19 FLINDERS 8TREET. MELBOURNE, C.l. Victoria's Glorious Ninety-mile Beach and Ocean Grange S.C. HOLIDAY FLATS HOLIDAY WITH A DIFFERENCE.

Each' flat fully furnished, H. C. waUr, sewered, E.L. and gas, log fires. Boating, swimming, lake and surf fishing.

A biro paradise. Visitors arrive by our own oabfn cruisers from Paynesvllle. 1 Particulars, Ocean Grange, Box 17 Paynetville Or Phone 85R. ASSOCIATED PULP AND PAPER MILLS LTD. BURNIE BOARD AND TIMBER PTY.

LTD. Require YOUNG MAN Under 23 years for Interesting position In their Head Office Accounts Department, Melbourne. UMlnt, certificate Required. Mu.t be prepared to undertake Accountant or Commerce Courae. -''sXf Ronua acliem.

nd lubildlied suit Provident Fund. Thlt l. conflcen.lal poaltlK reference! will required: Anallutlan. ahoald forwarded 1.1 P.O. BOX 509II.

MELBOURNE. PHONE TYPIST, JUNIOR HOLEPROOF DEEPDENE (BALWYN) Experienced Junior Typist, for Sales Invoicing. Excellent position, Oood salary, No Saturdiy. For further details contact Mr, Gooden, 10B WHITE HORSE ROAD, DEEPDENE. WY120I.

Rteht ItaeleV nln and Mao! Albef Or Voar NMre.1 Commonwealth Emplnrment Service Office,.

The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.