The Gastonia Gazette from Gastonia, North Carolina (2024)

ii 51! TWO THE GASTONIA, (N. GAZETTE SATURDAY, Over Period Of 20 Banker Admits Stealing HACKENSACK. N. A 81-year-old bank official, moved by the spirit of Christmas, has admitted a $104,000 hank embezzlement over a 20- yfar period. Albert J.

Schwenker, assistant -treasurer and assistant secretary of the People's Co. of Bergen County, wept as IIP pleaded guilty to the embezzlement yesterday. His minister, the Rev. Dr. Harold E.

Green of the Cherry Hill Reformed Church of River Edtre, was with him as Schwenkcr appeared before U. S. Commissioner Theodore In Rutherford. Kiscaras said Schwenker admitted about 000 a yesr white cashier of the First National Bank nf Oradell, The People's Trust Co. bought the Oradell bank in May.

The commissioner, before re- Icaslnc Schwenker on bail, asked how he spent the money, "On various things," said Scliwenker, married and lather nf two. "On women?" Kiwaras asked. "Could be." replied the slight defendant, who has suffered two heart attacks recently. He denied emphatically (hat lie ever gambled. Dr.

Green told a reporter Obituaries N. H. WORLEY N. H. Worle.y, 87, died Friday at 1 p.

m. in a Bristol, Tenn, hospital. He resided In Cllncheo, Va. funeral will be Sunday aller- notm in Clint wood. Va.

Mr. Worley ha.s many rcla tive.s rjaslonia. Arhoni? his survivors is a daughter, Alice Price, of Gaslonia. In addition, the following grandsons survive: The Rev. N.

W. Martin, pastor of Platnview Baptist Church of Dallas, John Henry Martin ol Bessemer City, and James Paul Goodman, and 'hert Goodman of Gastonta; that Schwenker telephoned him Thursday and risked for meeting. They talked in Schwenker's ear, Dr. Green said, and the aftermath was that Schwenker went to Walter J. Mundt, vice- president of the People's Trust Co.

Mundl Issued a statement Schwenker had Informed the bank of defalcations amountinii to $104.000. The FBI, which arrested Schwenker, said he had taken the money by withdrawing dormant thrift account deposits and putting them in a fictitious account under the name of Smith. Schwenker then withdrew Ihe funds from the Smith account, The FBI said bank auditors estimated that a larger sum, about $111,000 was miss- ins. Dr, Green said Schwenker told him his conscience, had been bothering him for a long time and the "spirit ol the Christmas season made him want to make a. clean breast of everything." Student Night Set In Belmont BELMONT The First Baptist Church of Belmont will observe "Student Night at Christ- Al- mas" Sunday at 7:30 p.

m. This and I worship service will be granddaughters, Mrs. A. w.jed by Ihe college and profes- 1 Keltar, Mrs. Roy using-the-thswe 0( Qa5 We Be ieve And So Jones Bolton, of New York, AND NERY MAKES BANDIT TURN TAIL LOUISVILLK.

60-year 'old service station at- tendanl use celpls from Albert gunman enter up U. the stockroom and grabbed this JicV handle." The bandit fled empty handed. "1 guess I muffed him." Check Forms Before Buying License Tag COP IN A something like a U-boat commander at his post, this policeman in Bonn, Germany, directs traffic in front of the office of West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. The highway "conning lower" is equipped with a heater so Hint the street skipper won't. cold feet.

Three Escapees SriII At Large Mrs. B. Ionia. ANNA JEANETTE MINCEV of Dallas R-l, died in a Gaslonia hospital Friday at a. m.

Surviving arc three sons, William and Robert. Mlnccy of Mc- on a limb, pert Ginger Stoli makes like a 'high wire artist at Cypress Gardens. Fla. That little parasol keep her dryjl in ihe drink, but Ihe water's anyway, LONG ARM OF LAW-BREAKER TOO SHORT TO REACH MONEY WILLIAMSTOWN, N. 1 Ions arm of the lawbreaker cost a Hquor store operator seven half-gallon juss of vine and five- fifths of liqunr.

A thief smashed panes of in both the rear and front doors of Wilmer Lane's store. He apparently was unable to reach and unlock the safely chain. He settled for what he could juss and fifths, which Lane valued about SSO. white who were serving time for larceny, assault and robbery before a Christmas night, still were, sought by authorities today. Three other prisoners who escaped Irom the Franklin County prison camp near Bunn have been recaptured.

fltlll lr ff EMOTIONS OF EXPECTANT MOTHER CAN SCAR CHILD -William horn Woman can Speak." Several serving 1-3 years from students will bringjcounty for larceny; brief messages bearing on the life of thfir schools; others will render special music; and still others will serve in other assignments in the service. the worship service, Young People's department Adcnville and Jaclc Mincey of the three daughters, Airs. Lil lie Helms of Mt. Holly, Mrs. ehp Sund schl Poole ot McAdenville, and ij ori ftonie Duncan of West nel I ton; two brothers, Lcvi pn of Mt.

Holly and Di.xon Huskins of Lucia; two sisters, Mrs. Belxie Bynum and Miss Alice Huskins of Huntersville; and 32 grand- ol borough, 18. of Wake Roy Snar- Asheville. S-10 children, 77 great grandchildren, and two great great grandchildren. Funeral services will be con- MORE ABOUT The Quill (Btglns On Front Pajft) years from Macon, county for assault; and Wiley c'ummlngi, 32.

of Winston-Salem. 15-20 years from Wllkes county for robbery. Officers said those recaptured here yesterday were James G. Cook. 24, of Graham, serving 4-6 from Alamance county for fellow-1 breaking and entering and lar- ceny; Robert Russell 24.

Kan- napolls; 3 years for assault; and Lee Melton, 20, Gas- Umia. 3 years from Nash county for breaking and entering. member 1 but have you heard ducted Sunday afternoon al 3 o'clock al the Wcsleyan Methodist, Church at McAdcnvitle with the pastor, (he Rev. A. F.

Con-! 1 fflced nf us is Si PLEASANT GROVE PROGRAM THE WORST test that must New tests Indicate habits can be emotionally scarred by what happens to their mothers ti urine pregnancy. Pregnant rals made emo- lionally a minus In Ihe tests produced offspring which were abnormal emotionally. The effects are refallyely jierma- nnrtnal mothers devel oped emrtlional changes when reared by mothers who had heen lo emotional 101-Yeor-Old Woman Passes After Illness The expfrtmenfs werr de- wribed tmlij lo the American Association for the Advancement of Science hj William ThDmpson, psych 1 I of Wesleyan University, town, Conn. He sild some human sturiln Indicate that rmnlinnal iip- Negro News MAUDE HI. ncr.

officiating, assisted by thejthrouch the death and funeral! There will be a special musical Youths -Captured In NC youths "panted In Ohio on charges of firmed robbery, housebreakine and larceny were captured by 'police at a roadblock near Eky- and yesterday. Capt. H. F. Brownlee.

Ashevillc chief of detectives, said the two M. Carney, 18 and. Ronald Hall. 20. of without resistance.

said the two arc Charged in Cincinnati with robbery of an elderly r-an of SMO end beating him witn a pistol, also with breaking into Cincinnati home and stealing i fihot.Eun, two rifles and two pistols. two were- brought to the Buncombe county )sil here anc held on fugitive warrants filed at the request of Cincinnati police. Brownlee said police and deputies had been for the youths for a wee! 'Carney's parents live near land. i MORE ABOUT Blast (Begins On Frnnl Page). over," said Mitchell Harris of Cedar Bluff.

Harris said there "was no doubt but whal it was a gas explosion." State and federal mine officials rated the mine as gaseous. Tne Wast was described by Harris as "just like ft hot blast of wind. There was no smoke and dust and a bad Tne survivors were brought nut. from a joy loading seriion rif the mine some 500 feet underground and about a mile and a half Irom the mine shaft entry RUSSIA AID TO ASIANS L. O.

Henry, pa.stor of (he of loved one. Gaston Aveii'jp. Church ot God, Mrs. Mincey had been In fail- ng health for several vears. became seriously ill last Tuesday.I ar ollr Yon sit in everything is program at the Pleasant Grove the church Baptist at "jTrBrrf Gas-" Church Sunday even- 7:30 o'clock Choruses Mrs.

Clara Conrad Ledford 101, died at Her.home in Dallas at 9:55 p. m. Friday. She had been in declining health for lhe ist two years. Mrs.

Ledford was one of Gaston county's oldest, citizens. She was born on April 1, 1856, in Haywood county, before lhe start of Ihe Civil War, Her husband was John U-d- ford who died some years ago. Surviving are one son, Charles R. Williams nf the home; one. sisler, Mrs.

Sally Scales of Waynesville; seven grandchildren; 10 great grandchildren; and one'(Treat, great grandchild. of Mr.s. ov rl unrf -itonla and Rock Hill. S. will The famiy wil be at lhe ln loudly it sounds like.

on this program. MM. I ton county for the past 601 Saturday mornins and charged Mrs. Ledford had lived in serlnusl; affecl Ihe unhnrn baby. The inflnttice Is possibly transmitted by in the mother's hormone system.

Thompson devised elaborate tests in meisuri the effecl when pregnant ralj were marie bljhly anxious, or subjected to electrical shocks, While results are not cilt, (hey appear lo confirm earlier work Thnmpxnn did with smaller numbers nf animals, strongly sujuest stress has definite effects on Ihe emotional beliavtnr nf Ihe offspring," he said. Thompson salrt more re- in your mail box In the next few you'll find a letter from the' Slate Department ol Motor Vehicles. This is your renewal card for license plates for your automobile. You'll present the renewal card along with F5-1 insurance form, when you buy the license tags. Let's do some checking before making the trip uptown to the Carolina Motor Club.

If you double check, maybe you'll save yourself A double trip. OPfN" IT "You'd be surprised," jays B. Brynier, manager of the Carolina Motor Club In Gastonia, "hov many persons don't open the license renewal envelope until they get to the sales counter. often they step up to the window and poke the envelope unopened." Many of them will be turned back. They'll have to make a return trip to get license plates.

"Better do some checking in advance," Brynier adds. "See that the serial number of your car is the same the. number listed on the FS-1 insurance form. If they don't match, you can't buy license tags. "In many instances, people have the motor number of their jar listed on.the insurance form.

Actually It should the serial number. Make sure, the numbers on tiie two forms are the same. LIST TIIE COUNTY "Make sure the FS-1 form con- lains the same name, crial number listed on the registration card and that you en- er Ihe name of the county in which you list taxes. Also he extra, dollar for the driver education fund, and an extra dollar if you're buying city tags. rouid save you a Jot onirouhls- and Luther Garrison Gets Commission when you purchase your new tags." Bryrner said the Carolina Moir Club will start selling licenses January 2.

Deadline display them In midnight February 15. Office hours at the Carolina Motor Club will be. 9 In 4 week days, and 9 to 12 Saturdays. LIBEL FINE DEDUCTIBLE, COURT SAYS QUANTICO, Va. Commissioned a Marine second lieutenant December at ihe Marine Corps School, Quantico, was March mifhl hrinj practical jLuther S.

Garrison, son of Mr. applications in child care and mental health. Jealous Negro Woman Shoots Man In Knee Duncan, Eighth CAIRO UP) The African- Asian People's Conference, plowed ahead in anti-Western fields today as the spotlight centered on Russia's sweeping economic aid offer. of the conference's main Political Committee plunged into a discussion of such controversial East-West, topics us imperialism, disarmament, racial discrimination, Algeria and Palestine. Tne Soviet "big brother" offer of economic-aid to al! Asians and Africans was well received yesterday by the delegates from 42 nations and colonies at the nongovernmental conference, which Is stacked with supporters of Communist policies.

Many of those voicing loud praise for the offer are exiles or fugitives from areas that rcceiv V. S. economic aid. SDme of the leftists here are frowned on by home governments that try to stay officially disconnected from Communist propaganda lines. Tne offer, obviously designed to drive Western enterprise out ol the East, was accompanied broad hinfs that African and Asian countries should national- ire Western-operated businesses and exploit their profits as Egypl has sought to do with the Sue? Canal.

This apparently appealed to many elements who shouted their assent when Soviet, delegate street, West Cramerton. The body wil remain at Carothers Funeral Home. It will taken to the church to lie in state for one hour prior to the funeral. Burial will be in Hope well Methodist. Church Cemetery in Mecklenburg county.

MRS. ELIZABETH LEONHARDT GATES Funeral services were lo be held today at, 2 p. m. al Bc.vs Chapel Methodist Church for Elizabeth Leonhardt Gates, 93. who died at her home in Cherryville Thursday niRht.

Survivine are four sons, Alvin of Sacramento. Dorus of Great Falls. S. Michael of and Melvine of Cherryvllle. and one brother, John W.

White of Cherryville. sa Morrow is sponsor in years, the Rev. c. S. Hall is The public is WOMAN'S AUXILIARY alarm clock.

The moments lick away so slowly before Ihey get starlit (Oh, why don't they hurry up and get it over wilh?) iiion will convene at the Friend- Vou sit there trying to lookjshlp Baptist Church Sunday atj composed, when what you really' 1 P' Tne theme of the meet-1 want In do Is scream at the wi be Pea of vour voice sio Mrs Do Humphrey' JL president and the Rev. c. S. rhr minister starts talking A. Agafonovich laud fxi Indonesia's takeover of same i I 2 billion dollars in Dutch investments.

The Soviet offer retailed on the Virginia side of the opera- era predictions that Ihe Kreml tinn that stranalrs the Viremii-'would launch a drive in 1938 to Virginia border. kin more friends in Africa and Tncir Discovery some five hours! Asia with a view towards rfrlvins Youth Charged With Break-In An 18-year-old boy was ar- pastor.) Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the First Presbyterian Church in what police called it jealousy shooting. Detective Capt. R. H.

Smith of Gastonia police said Mary Elizabeth Williams. 32, a Char- McKay, woman who has been stav- urial will be in Gastor. Me-, mg in Gastonia. was booked on orial Park Cemetery. la.

charge of assault with a dead- The body will be laken to the ly and Mrs. W. B. Garrison of Armslrong Circle, Gastonia. Lienlenant Garrison is a graduate of the University of North Carolina.

To earn his commission he completed a 10-week officer candidate, course at Quantico. along with other applicants from the nation's colleges and former enlisted Marines. Garrison is nsw enrolled In ihe nine-month officer basic school here, becoming qualified infantry platoon leader. The. Woman's Auxiliary to Ihe iri wlth he pastor, the Elizabeth Gaston County Baptist Ass.ocia-j Rel Sam It will lie sUle st th5chl 10,000 Flights Drop Leaflets On Chinese TAIPEI, Formosa Some 10,000 flights were marie over Red China during the past year WASHINGTON lift Thn U.

S. Tax Court ha.s ruled that a taxpayer is entitled to a deduction for the amount paid on a tibel Judgment, where the libelous statement is made in the course of business. ruling was made in case in which the Internal Revenue Service sought to united an additional SIIU19 in taxes from Cornelius Vanrier- bilt Jr. for 1981. Among the deductions claimed by Vanderbill.

and which the IRS disallowed, was a $3,243 final payment of i libel judgment. The judgment grew out of ft statement by VanderbiH In J924. He then was publisher of several newspapers, and said a member of the executive committee of his newspaper evidently selling or telling secrets of the publications lo fompetitive newspapers. The IBS ruler! that libel wa.i not within the ordinary or necessary conduct of Vandcr- bilt's business and ciied decisions that such things as penalties resulting from gambling operations are not deductible. The victim of (he shoot ins I to drop leaflets and you knew he must be saying church.

wmcthinf: comforting and nice' GREGORV HARRISON' VOWS cnjutiii, mi: rucv. I Hall is pastor ot the host ho pnor to the Negro man. was Benjamin Jenkins, about your loved one you hear nol a word of it You just have to cling i to THIS TOO WILL PASS. ft ft ft SOON IT WILL be over Mr. and Mrs.

Eugie Harrison. 902 North York street, announce the. marriage of their daughter, Jean, to George Albert Gregory. The marriage took place at the home of evening. the bride December on Friday 20, at, 6 o'clock.

The Rev. J. H. Acker, the bride's pastor, officiated. Mr.

I "lory. Caiothcrs Funeral Home has charge of arrangements. MORE ABOUT Fire Rates (Btfins On Front I'afC) fire department. If we're called to a. fire in an unprotected ter- I ui luc ft iittaLtji, imiukHiru.

avir. oil will be home your kmdj Gregory is he son Mrs Oe manly possible: we'll respond when hu- friends and neighbors will eva Gregory and the late and you can cry and'fred H. Gregory Sr. Both cry and cry. Yet even THIS TOO WILL PASS.

Every day you feel a little bride and groom are employed as teachers in the Rockingham City School system. PERSONAL MENTION' FIRST CALL INSIDF. He added the, phrase "when humanly possible" to from making an ironclad promise. GaStonia gels first call on tire trucks and fire fighters. The rested Friday afternoon andjbetter until you are almost The Rev.

Mrs. Lizzie White out ares ar second. tfr the firs', blast wss the first Short To Attend with ihe men during the time they trapped. Tnp mrji built canvas bar- for h-j', spent mor-t of the five-hour period sit- Fiirnif uro tins. prayinr.

rurmtUie "If nf rr.rn didn't pray." ssiri they should have." 2-iri rr, "-rrc wnrkinr in the a-, the The Wes'. from these sources of oii and other nattsral resources. charged with house. breaking and larceny in connection with the Christmas Eve theft of a number of presents. He i.i listed as Donald Clifford Shedd.

who lives on Firestone street In West Gastonia. and a bond of S2CK) was set. Rural Police Detectives J. R. Harris and E.

H. Groves said Shedd entered the back door of the home of Lloyd Stewart in Gardner Park and raided the. Christmas tree. Among numerous packages taken were ones containing a cowgirl suit, baby diapers, and a pair of eemiine Italian fighting co*ck bookends. The officers said they recovered most of the stolen items when Ihey arrested Shedd, a hich school student.

And Santa marie his deliveries lo the friends, Stewarts and their little late. Son Follows Dad Rnlp Mavnr AS 1Vla 120-23. BAH.VI OBSERVES More than the r.s, opened thr the of fo'in-i? Bahs'u'llsh. Leonard Short, Furniture Co 1 pany will be represented at th Southern Furniture and R-jgi Market at Huh Point January A Srvutn Carolina, citv Tnis Ihe i whole person We all have hinar in time of trouble, s'ill be completely lost. Just keep remembering it always helps THIS TOO WILL PASS! GOD MOVES' in' mysterious we dersiand them.

But with help and some ouragfi learn to enterlained guests at her home on Christmas day. The honor cling to some- guest was Miss Etlle Prat( The 'Boyce family and others were also guests at the dinner. Mrs. Macie Teid. Mrs.

Cynthia this J. Kimpson, and Lindsay Johnson all of Lowell and Hopper Meeks of York, S. motored to Tampa. for the Christmas holidays. They report a trip and an enjoyable we can't always tm- stay in the Florida sunshine.

PERSONAL MENTION Miss Jennie Faye. Withers, of our own we au er l' a Scott, accept ihrm was Dinner 8 est of her aunt Mrs. Nora Longshore, on Thurs- MORF ARrnT-f" day. Miss Withers is home from Indianapolis, and is visilln? Kobbery and her grandmother, Mr.s. Florence Fosler.

PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. Allifair Lily of Winston- Urn near Salem is guest of Mr.s. Charlotte Hairy-owned Smith Means of S06 Wes! Harri- dld exarilr Tson avenue. Means enter- tnM him lo her and other friends at 'dinner Friday evening afte' (Begins On Front Pajf) siderable detail. Thompson.

id he robber U.iir house. what thr The policemen Obviously 1 High Shoal, carried the largest sum money. emen said the bandit which the. group loured the clfyj inz Baf Gaslonia new "which trnrk to'and observed the points of for having Thus, Chief Firrlj promlws humanly send his men and trur.kj Into Thomas Acres, Ar Circle, Armstrong Park road, and Gardner Park although thest sections are outside the city. But he won't respond In calls In Fast Gaslonia since thai territory belongs lo lhe East Gaslonia Volunteer F)t- parlment.

FAVORITISM; Some, folks sugzesled that Gastonia was willing to protecl the Orthopedic section because ol the size of the houses down there. Many are in the to S40.000 class. "Could it he that- more 'big shots' live down there than in East. Gastonia?" volunteer fireman asked. An official nf the East Gastonia.

Volunteers objected bitterly to the arranzement say- was beinz a fire de- in the knee with a Shot 18, he was taken to a local hospital for treatment ot lhe wound and x-ray. Captain Smith said the shont- ng occurred shortly before 9:30 Saturday morning at a West Bradley avenue house where the woman was staying. He quoted the accused woman as saying Jenkins had "double- crossed" her. local Nationalist. Chinese Ministry says.

Although report did nol mention photographic reconnaissance, presumably that was included on some flights. 4mon? other claims in summary were: 1. Nationalist guns sank Communist craft, damaged others and blew up two ammunition depots. 2. In 2R engagements between Nationalist and Communist warships, nine Red gunboaU and five armed junks were sunk and 19 gunboats and two unidentified warships damaged.

AUTO LIABILITY INSURANCE LITTLE ACTION PROMPTS MAN TO GET INSURANCE MONROE. radiator repairman was working underneath an automobile when he remarked to insurance salesman Bob Tinner, "Nothing ever happens around here. I rion't need insurant." He barely got the words out when a spark from his wrench Ignited a gasoline fire. The blaze ran through ihe shop and touched off A fire in a nearby sewer. Robert Vermeil, lhe repairman, escaped injury and firemen quickly Quelled the blaxe.

"Give, me your fountain pen." said VermeU to Turner. FUEL OIL KEROSENE LOWIE ICE FUEL CO. Phnne VA 4-UU Gire Green Stamp; 12 acres space oral art. Icrest and the Christmas deco- parlment. of i rations.

"When Gastonia refuses to LllARKI.lGE A.VNOr.VCEMFXTicome out," he said, "the people of one half of a father-son may-i theft Dairy 11 Th 1 PCn few to me display. James H. Lone is mayor Several hundred dollars was His son, James H. Long is. stolen from the plant rccen Spencer ahzed hy having their rates man Mountain were milled in mar- bled.

We have the men and riage Sunday, December 22. equipment for a Class A dcpart- Short owner Iron- mavor Daylona Beach. Fh. rf Brith are servini first ter rn Short Furmfirr Mrh 0 Ml! thn market. i same nisht January.

One man was charged with was performed by Pro- mont. But the best we can Judge. E. Geitys Nimn atjhopc for Is a reduction of six on a finding of no true York. S.

C. Mr. and Mrs. Gardin to 4S rents a liun- Masonic Bodies Seat Officers Officers if thr fnrfe Tne offing ins'allfd were; Masonic, incises sr.d, a-si. nf the- GasMnia No.

Rite wrre'H. Davis master; uanip senior warden; James I Han is. in Dallas. MR.S. MARGARET GUNNINGS Funeral services for Mrs.

Margaret Gunnings of the Jackson East as Ion? a Gaslonia we have the Volunteer Department." REAPPRAISAL He said Gastonia must reap- John W. Pasour. maste Nivens. senior warden: treasurer; Samuel Jack'and Select Elmare; Daniel. lHustrioi C.iw.

Snyrier deputy master' Bruce Knob community, who died Fri- praise Us position. Tne city nay morning, will he conductedlotight 'In serve all the outside her pastor, the Rev. C. H. Hall.

1 Pleasant Grove Baptist ng Green, S. cnjuins yearn: 1953. A. Meek, junior warden; W. secretary: William KiU Tr.e installation excrcivs Terciest Alxmathv.

ireasyrcr: D. senior deacon; Charles st. the McSwnin. fc-e'a; BUM ters, Junior deacon; Clyde' Tur- 1-11 nf.vf. The Marshall Dilling nfr.

steward: C. Ar- Lwft iM arv-o as fnr jur.ior cr.irou, rowood, junior steward: Paul Me- K.c rvcnt sr.o Marcus V. F. Manns, ivler; Ohincy, was junior jroa-arn; Charles a chnplain. p.firrr.

Clvde K. MOSS Dr. trar.rf Ol w. Lloyd Stewart Gaslonia Chapter No. 6S Royal Jamr-s V.

Tarpley, principal conductor of work; James son. recorder; captain of the Davis, Sunday at 2 p. m. Burial will be in the church cemetery. remain at Cost- he said, or none at all.

"It's not right." he declared, "for city trucks In nrnlect some otilMde areas and not others." He said a meetine of the East Gastonia Commandery No. 28 S. Harris, high! Knights Templars Stowe king; I Crawford, eminent commander; W. Kincaid, cene.ralissi- 1IOVRE OF night at the House of Prayer at 215 Bisgers avenue, Gaslonii. Everyone Is welcomed.

L. Brooks is pastor. Gastonia Volunteers would be to discus." Originally East Gaslonia Volunteers served a lerritwv TEMPLE S1SIKRHOODS GROW NEW YORK The National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, the wome-n's branch of reform Judaism, reports that 19 new chapters have become af- fillat.Mi with the national grwp, brmjing the total to 550, ed the New Hope Fire District at the Goodwill Club. But East Gastonia's le.rritor shrunk considerably when the Orthopedic Hospital was cut off. The new boundary was established at Wilkinson boulevard.

So there'll no Increases south of the, bouljvsrd Doubled rates la lake effect, on properly north of Highway 29 and trie city. Per Annum Cvrnnt save CHRISTMAS MONEY GIFTS TODAY ORGANIZED IMS NOW (or outdoor fun next Pul holiday gift Hollars to work in a safe profitable savings account rirrc. Earn generous returns that help provide dollars for your stimmor vacs- lion new sporting equipment that buck- yard barlwi. Start now. Tul your money and bonus lo work assure fun in the sun luler BUIUaH6 W.


The Gastonia Gazette from Gastonia, North Carolina (2024)


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.