A new friendship, or maybe even a new romance, will light up your life over the next 12 months and the pleasure you get from it will have a knock-on effect on your working relationships as well. Treat people well and they will treat you even better.
ARIES (March 21 - April 20):
You may be tempted to retreat into your shell and keep the big, bad world at bay but that approach is unlikely to work for long. Instead, try identifying why you are under so much pressure and then find innovative ways to do something about it.
TAURUS (April 21 - May 21):
It’s quite possible that you could go over the top emotionally today, especially if you feel that you are being ignored or in some other way treated unfairly. Whatever the provocation, don’t lose your cool, because it may take a while to find it again.
GEMINI (May 22 - June 21):
Mars in your sign makes it easy for you to take chances but other aspects warn this may not be the best time to push boundaries. Also, if someone you work with is critical of your actions find out why they feel that way, don’t just get angry.
CANCER (June 22 - July 23):
Venus in the travel area of your chart makes this a good time to get away with family and friends but as Mercury is now moving retrograde you must plan your route carefully. If you just head out into the wide blue yonder you could get lost!
LEO (July 24 - Aug. 23):
You may be of the opinion that if you had more cash in your pocket you would be happier but that isn’t necessarily true. Attitude is everything and if you think rich today you will be rich in ways that don’t just require more money or possessions.
VIRGO (Aug. 24 - Sept. 23):
Whatever your No. 1 passion happens to be that is what you must focus on today. Others may say you should concentrate more on tasks that they want you to do but they are wrong – nothing matters more now than your own personal happiness.
Missed one of your horoscopes? Here are the most recent days’ forecasts:
Try not to pay too much attention to what is going on around you today because if you focus on what other people are saying and doing you will be easily distracted. You have an important task to take care of, so pretend you can’t see or hear them.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22):
In the greater scheme of things there is no such thing as coincidence and what occurs over the next 24 hours will make you aware that a number of seemingly random events are coming together in a very unrandom way – and very much to your benefit.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21):
You may want to believe that a friend or family member can do no wrong but the planets indicate they have in fact made a major error that needs to be dealt with. No one is perfect, not even you, so don’t be too hard on them.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20):
Cosmic activity in the most adventurous area of your chart makes it easy to start something new but because mind planet Mercury is going through its retrograde phase you must plan carefully every step of the way. Be daring but don’t be reckless.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19):
It would appear that someone is trying to keep you in the dark about a situation you want to know more about. You have every right to dig deeper and find out what is going on but there is no guarantee you will be delighted by what you find.
PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20):
You seem to be flavour of the month at the moment and long may that happy situation continue, but don’t fall into the trap of thinking you can do as you please without fear of the consequences. Others people’s goodwill is unlikely to be limited.
Leos born on August 8 can seem unemotional or even distant but are simply self-disciplined and in control of themselves. Although they are often forced to climb the hard road to success, they actually wouldn't have it any other way.
You have been buzzing around non-stop in recent weeks but not even a Leo can keep up this level of activity forever. Give yourself permission to wind down a bit over the next few days. Let other people do the running around for a change.
The Lion's Gate Portal, peaking on August 8th, is a significant astrological phenomenon as the Sun's transit in Leo resonates with the star Sirius, creating a powerful energy pathway. This period intensifies spiritual experiences, activates one's intuitive senses, and provides a potential for personal transformation.
How common is August 8 as a birthday? Your birthday is the 65th most popular. On Average, 174 babies are born on this date. 8th is one of the most common birthdays in August.
Leos are celebrated for their passion and creativity. Leo is a charismatic and fiery zodiac sign, known for their leadership qualities and creative nature. They have a generous and loyal personality, and they thrive in the limelight. Leo is most compatible with Aries, Sagittarius, Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius.
Like a crackling fire, Leos tend to be warm, passionate, and dynamic. They delight in opportunities to let their charismatic, inclusive personality shine. And like the lion that represents them, Leos are also strong, brave, and ready to dominate everything they set out to do.
Those born between July 23 and August 22 are Leos and those born later come under Virgo sign. Hence, August-born babies are a mix of the traits exhibited by these two signs. Sometimes they are fierce and determined as the Leos and at times they are emotional and caring like the Virgos.
Your health will start improving and remain good for the rest of 2024. There is a chance that you will witness a few health hiccups in October 2024, but this will be a temporary phase. Avoid stressing and overworking. The New Year will help you succeed in life and tick off a few milestones.
They need places that are big and full of opportunities and potential adventures. New coffee places every day, exploring new clubs every week, and new faces over and over again! Big cities are what these signs need- Los Angeles, New York City, and Miami.
Leos can be feisty and argumentative. They are a fire sign after all, and their lion energy can be untamable. Leos are also known to exhibit bravado and let their pride get the best of them, Stardust shares.
People born on August 8 are characterized by their magnetic charisma and natural confidence. As Leos, they are often seen as the life of the party, drawing people in with their warmth and enthusiasm. They have a strong sense of self and are driven by a desire to achieve greatness in everything they do.
A European study found those born in the summer months, and August especially, were significantly more likely to consider themselves lucky in life. Another survey links the feeling of luck with less anxiety and neuroticism, and a greater level of outgoing behavior.
If you were born in August, then your birth month personality reveals that you are highly confident, determined, hard-working, and strong. You make excellent CEOs or bosses. You do not enjoy taking orders from others but rather leading the way. You can give an impression that you have it all under control.
Leos are best matched with their fire counterparts: Aries and Sagittarius, Stardust says. They also pair well with air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. While those are Leo's ideal matches, Stardust says fixed signs have a way of finding each other. So, Leos may also gravitate toward Tauruses and Scorpios.
Leos are noted for being lively, fun, loyal, and honest in their individual connections, demonstrating their enthusiasm for life. From their love relationships, Leos want deep devotion, focused attention at the proper times, and experience.
They focus on their work and like to spend time in the company they cherish. They have a dominating personality, and they often appear as a control freak. They like people who work according to your wishes and dislike those who disobey your command.
August-born people are self-motivated, enthusiastic, stubborn, and energetic. They are always one step ahead to foresee obstacles ahead in your path. They are prepared with a solution or plan to overcome any adverse unforeseen incidents as well.
Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.
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