The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SATURDAY AUGUST 22 1868 3 THE NEW ENGLAND AMILY NEWSPAPER Jnsnrance (Elotljing insurance jjjrn (Scobs THE BERKSHIRE THE SPRINGIELD REPUBLICAN GLEANINGS AND GOSSIP a song CARTER COOLEY 2M2S General Agent for Western Massachusetts Pit tsfield Ma: Of the largest and most attractive stock of auS SaWSmlw DRESS GOODS In the city and In great variety at large reductions IN PRICES Large lines of goods marked down to HAL PRICE To close them in the shortest time possible financial LARGEST STORE at the TINKHAM CO Mcknight Norton hawley Have commenced to receive new all Goods gnilbmg Blatcrials And thereby inducing immigration SI 000 000 CAPITAL STOCK PAINTS OILS AND GLASS UNION WHITE LEAD Im u20 The balance of their summer Dress Goods they have marked down to less than cost to close them out A good assortment of Corded Tucked Skirts at whole sale and retail iriogaeld August 20 1868 INCORPORATED 1S51 CHARTER P1RECTORS Poland II Braman Caleb Allen Owen Bearse Win Emerson Charles Torrey they WILL OPEN THIS MORNING 100 PIECES CHOICE CRESS GOODS OR ALL AND WINTER WEAR A BALDWIN NEW YORK CLOTHING STORE 016 WaS 138 Main street LOOK BEORE YOU BUY in the They always keep the beet quality of goods and sell at the lowest figure LARGEST STOCK BUY AT THE SMALLEST PRICES NO PERSON ALLOWED TO HOLD MORE THAN 5 SHARES AND WEAR Also a good assortment of URNISHING GOODS HATS AND CAPS OIL AND RUBBER GOODS JEW SPRING STYLES CLOTHING for THEY WILL KEEP A GREATER VARIETY AND EXPECT TO DO A HEAVIER BUSINESS THIS ALL AND WINTER THAN EVER BEORE SECURE A HOMESTEAD IN CALIOR NIA LIE INSURANCE COMPANY PITTSIELD MASS A Circular containing a full description of the property to be distributed among shareholders will be forwarded to any address upon receipt of stamps for return postage accompanied with full name and address of applicant Information as to price of land or upon any other subject of interest to persons proposing to immigrate cheerfully forwarded upou receipt of stamps to cover postage Send full name and Post Offiee address All letters should be directed SECRETARY IMMIGRANT HOMESTEAD AS SOCIATION Post Office Box No 33 San rancisco California By SAMUEL BOWLES COMPANY Spkingfielb Mass SUMMER SHAWLS SILK GARMENTS SILKS Tub Daily Republican is abreast of the most enterprising journals of New Tork and Boston in aH its news arrangements Special dispatches complete the reports of the associated press ami together they sweep the world in their daily reports In local news its reports and compilations are especially full and re liable and have become an envied model for near and distant contemporaries Thrice a week The Daily Republican is issued on a double sheet which this paper was the first to introduce ana is the only one to maintain in New England with two full pages of extra reading matter And in amount and variety as well as in the character of its contents The Daily Republican claims superiority to any of its provincial rivals while the price at which it is afforded is below nearly all of them and its metro politan contemporaries Single copies three cents 17 cents a week 75 cents a month and $8 a year William Stowelames Brewer George Walker Lombard Dale Charles Merriam llenry Russell if Smith 1 IE EM A President ji Certificates of stock issued to subscribers immedi ately upon receipt ot the money The prominent features of The Republican as a Newspaper and amily Journal are completeness and promptness intelligence and system in the prep aration and publication of News of every descrip tion seeking to give not only the fact but the mean ing and moral of every event free candid and piquant Editorial Discussions of all public occur rences men and tilings intelligent and independent Correspondence from Boston New York and ash ington the far West and from letters of travel letters of fact letters of opinion and criticism Reviews and Extracts from New Books special sum maries of intelligence in the Literary Art and Relig ious worlds Stories Sketches Essays Poetry bits of Biography Science Agriculture Mechanics etc from original contributors or from the choicest mag azines and literary journals of America and Europe No other newspaper proper gives so much space as The Republican to all this latter wide variety of Literary and amily Reading Letters of credit or the use of Travelers iu Europe issued upon London and Paris available in all the cities of Europe and the by PAGE RICHARDSON CO 0 State st Boston t29 8aWbm SPRINGIELD BRASS OUNDERY io Tavlor street Springfield We are pre pared to furnish every variety of Brass and Composi tion Castings Car Boxes Pattern Letters and Bab bitt Metal Special attention given to tine castings also to all kinds of railroad castings fl9 6md STEBBINS MG CO Clothiag manufacturers and purchasers of Spool Cotton for use on Sewing Machines demanding the Hand strongest gIXC0BD ffill find Nos 50 60 and 70 ex Iv adapted to their wants je29 3mecd pLOSING SALES STRICTLY MUTUAL ANNUAL and INCREASING DIVIDENDS ITIHE NEW YORK AND CHINA TEA COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Tea Coffee and Snices No 130 Main street Springfield Mass Me roast and grind our Coffee and Spices on the prem ises and warrant all our goods as represented Havine superior facilities for purchasing our goods in New YoPrk and China we are enabled to offer them atau41md lowe3tCashpnWj LITTLE 4 CO Divided into 200000 shares of $5 each payable in United Currency yyM A HARRIS Manufacturer of CORLISS STEAM ENGINES BOILERS AND MACHINERY These Engines are built under the several patents granted Geo II In uniformity of speed under constant variations of load they are excelled in not a single instance by any other In economy of fuel they save from 30 to 50 ner cent over engines of other construction The peculiaritv of style is original with the inven tor and the working parts are so arranged that they are easy of access which is the case tilth no other reputation of the Corliss Engine is thoroughly established and parties purchasing oi me purchase STREET PROVIDENCE I aulO adtn ROCHE BROTHER Manufacturers and Dealers in Steam and Gas Pipes and ittings Steam Engines Boilers and Sheet Iron work of all descriptions Shafting and Mill work Repairs on Engines and Boilers done at short notice Harris's Building north of railroad near Planing Mill jl '68 PUBLISHED WEEKLY SEMI WEEKLY AND DAILY IJIHE CHARTER OAK LIE INSURANCE COMPANYf Hartford Ct James Walklev President A Storrs Vice President: White Secretary Income S3 000 000 Assets $4500000 I Scofield General Agent for Eastern Massa chusetts Worcester Mass Stevens General Agent for Western Massa chusetts Hartford Ct auS SaW Snilw bave jU5t received cases fine yard wide Bleached ma(je expressly for our own trade which we at one shiUing they are a Bargain bales fine Brown sheetings 12 Ic 50 pcs new Dark Prints at 12 jc 10 pcs those popular Russell Cords Hl our Summer Goods to be closed out for Xearthe Depot mtlgd LOVEJOY CO CARPETINGS HEAVY ENGLISH BRUSSELS aD" ENGLISH PALATINE TWILLS" Lrooms libraries halls with stairs to match assortment of AMERICAN reduced prices 10 and 16 SUMMER cor Hfcingtoa st Boston au5MaS3m bteTTcSole 4re offering Cotton Goods much under price rpHE TREMONT WATCH CO PHILBRICK Trea rarer No 12 West st Boston actory at Melrose Mass manufacture IRST CLASS WATCHES BY MACHINERY ON THE AMERICAN SYSTEM of uniformity of parts and perfect exactness ot finish Their Watches are rendered impervious to dust being all fitted with their 8 PATENT DUST CAP They are all provided with the well known CHRONOMETER BALANCE Keeping equally good time in all temperatures an important item for railroad men EVERY WATCH IS WARRANTED NV abdm HW WARNER Manufacturer of CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES Of everv description Carriages constantly on hand at 57 Main st Springfield Mars my 30 Dunham Block ly BBST SIX CORD SPOOL COTTON j0HN HUGH AUCHINCLOSS iole vente in New York for COATS of Paisley Scotland The verb to burgle is the latest outrage on the English language Sothcm the original Lord Dundreary is com ing to this country next winter Pennsylvania has 4000 miles of railway ot mure than any other state in the Union The extraordinary mortality among children New York is attributed to unwholesome milk Peat enterprises which have generally failed in the states are becoming quite successful ia Canada The proprietor of a swimming school at New York has been arrested for insulting ladies who visited his establishment Henry Coulter has made up a sculling match with Walter Brownor 81000 a side to be rowed at Pittsburg live weeks hence Napoleon Young the champion pedestrian of Ohio recently walked 100 miles in 22 hours and 12 minutes which is a good deal smarter than anything Weston ever slid) 1 Crozier of Elmira a prominent witness in the trial of some incendiaries of that city was recently waylaid and would have been murdered but for the assistance of a colored com panion A southerner has invented a machine by which lorida eanebrakes can be reduced to a liber tit for making paper He thinks he can deliver it in Boston at two cents per pound and claims it is superior to cotton rags Sir Beniamin Guinness the famous Dublin brewer died recently leaving an estate valued at about seven millions of dollars He was noted for his great liberality Jami especially for his encouragement of the tine arts Derbv the publisher has a farm at Aiken where he has 30000 Catawba grape vines in full bearing and from which he is now sup plying the New York market He employs black liiixir largely ami finds it cheap and excellent The roar of a large subterranean stream of water in bluff back of LaCrosse Wis recently attracted the attention of the citizens of that place On excavating a fine stream was discov ered sufficient to supply water for the whole city Advices from Cuyahoga ami Geauga counties Ohio ami the Ohio Reserve complain of terrible ravages bv the grasshoppers The farmers are selling their stock as they are not getting a sufficient crop ofhay ami cereals to enable them to winter it The following figures show the number of em ployes and the annual expenses in the several departments of Cincinnati: schools 458 $337 150 police force 241 8250000 street cleaning department 152 8100000: fire department 144 $137365 Miscellaneous 150 8120000 various city offices "0550000 total 1175 $984515 A company has been organized to build a rail road from Turner on the Erie railroad to Gate upon the Newburg branch of the Erie Homer Ramsdell of Newburg is the president of the company ami Horatio Otis is secretary By this a halt hour's time will be saved between New York and Newburg A nt Toledo not satisfied with forbidding the marriage of his daughter in church a few nights ago threw vitriol upon her destroying her dress and burning her face and hands Of course the girl would be married then anyhow and after another clergyman who was appealed to had refused in consequence of the father's protest they found a magistrate who made fliem one and happy The pope gives audience to about a hundred persons daily At these audiences to which of ten persons half erazv with religious excitement gain access it is very seldom that the pope even under the greatest provoettioq loses his temper Sometimes when a visitor proves too trouble some Vires IN rings the bell and says to the cinneriere who enters the room this man into the fresh air he is A nice way of getting out of debt has just been brought to light bv an investigation into the cause of a tire" at Buffalo A young man who had rented a store in one of the burned buildings ami filled it with a large insured stock of goods became heavily involved by fast In ing Ry the advice ot a lawyer he caused the fire to that he might get the insurance on his goods Lawyer and client are now in jail In Jackson county Minn there is a baby only nine months old which is a curiosity It is 2b in ches in 24 inches around the chest ami 28 inches at the hips 101 inches at the niuscleof the arm nt the wrist 22 inches at rhe thigh of the leg and 11 inches at theealf Its head and body are well formed 1 he weight is fifty or sixty pounds The little fellow stands alone and is just beginning to walk Both the parents are ofordinary the father a slender man An Italian barber has been arrested in Ger many who lived for five years in New York where he was believed to be an Italian duke and gained access to the houses oi many ot the first families His good looks assisted him in gaining the affections of some foolish young girls one of whom the daughter of a wealthy banker he ruined Several hundred letters mostly from la dies were found in his trunk besides eighty photo" raphs miniatures He is a native of Cremona and was in the penitentiary before go ing to New York A correspondent writing about the recent great ball at Long Branch says: lhere is a couple just opposite in the next set who arc noteworthy Shook of impeachment fame and his wife dancing with him in an easy grace There is something original and tasteful in the white dress relieved with black trimming which looks well She is a modest beautiful woman vet self reliant and unassuming She drives a pair of Kentucky thoroughbreds on the bluff to a coupe made to order item her own dea iffu Her turnout is independent ot Mr Shook pony pa cers which go in 235 Two thirds of the population or garun town ship Cuss county Michigan is jnade up oi col ored people Thev pay one halt the taxes sup ply three entire school districts averaging from 65' to 70 scholars each and are about equal in four others and paid 8'2500 tux hist year 1 hey own five eighths of the land the tow ami that the most choice amounting to 14400 acres which is worth $10 per acre making their entire valtr nticn in landed property $576000 Ot course they have in addition a large amount ot other property They are industrious determined to themselves and their children and to be honorable and respected citizens On the recent wedding day of the grand duke of Mecklenburg the rejoicings of the party as sembled at the dinner table were' brought to a very disagreeable close AU tnc guests were suddenly taken very sick a rathe large quantity of arsenic having been added to a pudding of which everybody seated at the table had partaken It was discovered that one oi the girls in the kitchen had throwju the rat poison into the sugar box whence it hud found its into the pudding Emetics qurcklv relieved the sufferers: but the weddi ot sovereign prince hardly ever closed in is dismal a manner as that of the grand duke ot Midden The mysterious death of a Mrs Sarah Gatnbls is ixciE comment in Westchester eoun She had property to the amount of 5123000 i n'cent marriage with Mr Gam nmtZ ht wh sahl she intended i the rest of her property eave to nouchcr brothers and other he i ropertv had been left to her husband She wms1 buried secretly under an assumed name mid with other suspicious circ*mstances Her relates have ordeml the bodv to be exhawd rnii the contents of the stomach anajyei but as ve are my much disappointed at nnduig no evidence that she was foully dealt with Thmldeu voir duriuif 't dtV it Ju 5000 at Xe and adds: Snuth has some fnmimre of her used in common with ine iome bought with her money as well a XwS it would be difficult to distmgu Now she must trusted on ho or take as she claims without further prooL tn rive the bulk of his property to his mP Et Tbaddeus Stevens on condition ffi 4nJ totally abstains from intoxicating for it be to make the homelesa the erection ot a retuge i La and indigent orphans without color religion or descent jyll 8M5V pRESS GOOODS AND CARPETS Tin: Weekly Retublican is becoming more ami more an organ of New England Opinion mid a am ily Political Social and Literary Journal Its fid and intelligent Review of the Week its page of especial New England Items mid its column of tinan cial commercial and market a flairs furnish its read ers all that is wanting in the way of news Especial events are given in more detail But the great bulk of its ample pages are devoted to Editorial Discus sions Correspondence Literary mid Selec Stories mid Essays and other interesting and instructive family rending Its circulation is rapidly extending not only throughout New England but all over the country first as the best compiler oflocal New England news second as the best represeutath of nationalized New England opinion mid third as a generous collection of the best current literatuie of the day But a single page of The Weekly Ukuuh an is given up to advertisem*nts and its price is reduced to 82 a year or to $175 a copy in clubs No Lady should purchase a bill of Dry Goods with out first visiting their establishment The Evening News A cheap paper for the people with all the fresh Tele graphic News of the day with local and general news gossip with interesting miscellaneous selec tions with editorials and correspondence is publish ed every afternoon from the office of 1 he RETUBLI vn Its conduct is independent of and Its contents entirely distinct from that paper while it shares all The facilities for procuring and pub lishing news The Evening News is sold for two cents a copy or left by the carriers or sent by mail at 12 cents a week or 50 cents a month Advertisem*nts inserted in The News for 50 cents for 12 lines one in sertion and 30 cents each subsequent insertion The Proprietor of The republican also own and carry on an extensive general Book nnd Job Printing Office Book Bindery And Blank Book Manufactory including an Electrotyping Establishment and a manufac tory of Photograph Albums Their establishment occupies one of the largest buildings on Main street Springfield and in capacity ana completeness has no superior in all New Eng land They run twenty five different Printing Presses be tween fifty and sixty machines of all kinds and em ploy nearly three hundred workmen and women Every description of Printing from Cards and Handbills to Books from the simplest and plainest to the most intricate elegant and costly Binding of all sorts and in every style Blank Books of ev ery fashion made to order or on sale wholesale and retail Photograph Albums from 50 cents to $100 each singly or by the quantity at lowest manu prices Books Stereotyped Printed Bound and Published Legal Blanks printed to order or on sale in any quantity in brief all Job Work and Manufacturing evt done in Printing Office and Bindery is performed at this establishment promptly of the best materials by the best of workmen and in the best manner known either art Or by mail as faithfully attended to as those left in person Address HAHUEL BOWtsKS COMPARE Springfield Mass THE IMMIGRANT HOMESTEAD ASSOCIATION CALIORNIA Incorporated under the laws of the state Nov 30th 1867 for the purpose of PROVIDING HOMES for its MEMBERS To Adverliscrx The circulation of The both in char acter and extent puts it among the very choicest advertising mediums in the country Its subscribers number between 20000 and 25000 and its readers rising one hundred thousand and are among the most intelligent and enterprising families farmers ami business men of New England and the West No paper out of Boston in New England 1ms by half so large a circulation ami only two or throe papers in that city exceed it The nites for advertising are In The Daily six lines or halt a square 50 cents for one day and 30 cents for each sub sequent day: twelve lines or one square 75 cents for one day and 60 cents for each subsequent day 'special six lines 75c tor first and 50c for each sulisequei insertion twelve lines $1 and 75c 25 cents a line Semi Weekly Rei uiilh an 12 lines or less 75c for first insertion and 30c each subsequent Weekly 20 cents a Him each insertion special notices 25c and business notices 30c a line The Semi Weekly Republican printed on a double sheet with seven of its eight pages filled with news and miscellaneous reading lias no superior as a newspaper for interior circulation in New England It gives all the news of the daily paper promptly and orderly and embraces besides all tlm editorial liter ary and miscellaneous contents of that sheet To persons who have heretofore taken weekly papers and are not in favorable locations to receive a duh) or to persons at a distance who desire more promptly and fully than the weekly paper can furuish all the local news and opinions of New England we can especially comipend The Semi Weekly Republi can Its price is $1 a year for single copies and in clubs $3 a copy EQUITY TO ALL NO DISCRIMINATION AGAINST THE UNORTUNATE No orfeiture of Policies from ailure to Pay Premium EXAJ1PL On a Life Policy annual payments at the age of 35: One Payment continues the Policy in force 2 years 3 days Two Payments continue the Policy iu force 4 years IL days That should the assured par one premium and fail to pay the second he would still remain insured for the full amjunt of the Policy one year and three days longer it tico main insured two years and twelve days after the third LAW a i rv THIS rAIPN IS VROLUTEL sE( KED TO LHE A 1 KEV ii iiifrj MASSACHUSETTS In addition to this on all Limited payment Life and Endowment Policies the as sured has tiie option of a Paid Up Policy after one Payment READ THIS LETTER East Hartland Ct ebruarv 1S67 Brxj Chickering Esq Berkshire Life Insurance Company xr vis De in Sir: 1 haiT this dav received ffill payment of the Policy on the lite ot my husband Cl arl os bree who insured in the Berkshire October 27th 1S65 and paid one premium in quarter! payments When the second premium fell due he was ill and the premium was not paid or received by the onipanj on the 3d NCTemWr following he died Receiving notice that under the non eokfeituke plan ot the Berk shire the" Policv was still good notwithstanding the second prenwtm had not been paid 1 mam the of n'v husband's dentil and forwarded the same to the Company at Pittsfield JIass on the 12th daj of January 1S67 1 have to dav received their draft tor $955 being the lull amount ot the 1 ohev aft di ducting the one premium dueiu October last unpaid with the interest on the same Mrs Maia Elsbkee GOOD CAS VAHMEB8 WASTED On liberal terms by all General Agents and at this Office Call or send for Circular TIIOJIAM PM'SKETT President JAMES RANCIS Vice President avvi rmcKltlXG Serretarv Treasurer and Actuary JACOB GREENE Assistant secretary Monitor mutual fire insur ance co 21 Old State House Boston Insures Buildings Merchandise and Personal Prop erty generally on the mutual principle against LOSS BY IRE tor any amount not exceeding $5000 on any one first class risk Joseph Paul Geo Davis Morse Joseph Doe Geo i Carpenter f'Lxx L' vrit ADDISON BOYDEN President GEO LONG Secretary RELIABLE AGENTS WANTlDjyb eod3md MUTUAL INS CO BRIGHTON MASS Are now paying 50 per cent Jliridend on all expiring Policies Agents Wanted in every Town in the State Boston Office Room 5 Traveller Building 31 State st Office 10 a to 1 TOTAL ASSETS OVER $100800 This Company confines itself to Dwelling Houses and contents and private Barns and contents insured with Dwelling Monse property President Trowbridge Sec'y and Treas aSly HAM SAVINGS DANK SPRING IELD Office nt the Agawam Bank at 000 feet PINE and Deposits received every business day trom 9 a TAKUELL TOLM AN President BemV' Bellons alls Vt u20 5d Vice Presidents Chapin Harris DWELLY CO Dealers in all kinds Trask Morgan Wilkinson 1V of BUILDING STONES GRANITE foing James A Rumrill II Wilkinson Portland reestone lagging and Soap Brown Arthur Bemis Richard Monuments Bases Sockets ot Qinncvand Chapin Mason Seutl north WK firanitt Portland and Longmeadow bree Baker John Stebbins illiam Melcher stone tffiice Lvmiui street first door east ot Robin Sccretnry and 8 Banoj Marsh Lumbp" Yard rxvc Deposits made at any time between Jhe quarters nwELJ jli lyd A STONE endinc the third Mondays ot ebruary May Augmt I and November will be put on interest on the quarter qM1TH MARTIN Dealers in Rough and dav succeeding the deposit at the rate of six per com Dressed Lumber looring Slnugles Laths lap mr annum 11 63 boards Black Walnut White Wood Also Moldings of all kinds constantly on hand or inanufac HATCH OOTE CO tured to order All orders CHAS SMITH HORACE MAK1IN mvkWPk East end Taylor street BANKEKb fuMBElCBINBON MARSH CO? AND DEALERS in GOVERNMENT SECURITIES No 12 Wall St 1 I Ti a vorin()N A PERKINS BUY SELL or EXCHANGE and keep constantly '1 SJIARSII GEO WADSWORTH on hand for delivery all Issues of Ronds Ly man street Springfield J1 GOLD COIN and COUPONS Bought and Sold at pagoBS WINDOWS AND BLINDS niael af tnfna I Orders in Miscellaneous Stocks executed on Com mission 3118 WaS3nl Ttf ASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIE INSURANCE CO The Largest Manufactory the heaviest stock and Incorporated A I tbe lowest prices PURELYMUTUAL Parties building will do well to get our prices and rnvr so nnn nno look at the superior quality of oar goods before pur ACCUMULATED ASSETS 05 ER 84000000 I chasing elsewhere ANNUAL CASH Div tvr nuo On the Contribution Tian after the payment of two Annual Premiums POLICIES NON OREITABLE BY LAW THE STATE MASSACHUSETTS HOME New Building Main st Springfield Mass OICERS Caleb Rice President 5V Bond Vice President Bacon Secretary Dr David Smith Medical Examiner directors: Caleb Rice Bond uller Jr James Kirkham Edmund reeman Otis Childs Sturtevant Samuel Bowles Bryan Joseph Stone Bacon Adams Eliot Cowdin New ork Alfred Lambert do Errlnger Philadelphia Pa A I Benyon Boston Holman do Wm Bross Chicago Ill Benj Lombard do John Kidder Manchester Geo Stannard St Albans Vt James Churchill Portland Me Edgerly Superlntendentof Agencies! TlfcCARTHY DEMPSEY Plain and 111 Ornamental Stucco Plasterers furnish center pieces also plain and ornamental cornices according to any architectural designs City or country orders promptly attended to All kinds of repairing and calcimining done on liberal terms Orders received at our shop corner of Dwight and Hillman streets Springfield Mass or address Box 719 jeladnid gULLENS GRIMES ELLISON Manufacturers of and dealers in ENGINES AND BOILERS Also agents for Patent Grates And Christoffel Booth's Patent Elliptic Boiler Tube Scraper Sheet iron work and general jobbing done in a thorough manner at short notice aul9 WaS6m Liberty street Springfield Mass SPRINGIELD STEAM AND GAS PIPE WORKS APPLETON CO Proprietors 87 and 89 Main Street Dealers in Plain and Galvan zed Wrought Iron Pipe for Steam Gas and Water ittings of all kinds Pumps Radiators Tools Special attention given to Heating and Lighting actories Public Buildings Churches Stores and Dwellings also Agents for Howard's Steam Heating Appara tus for Houses Stores Ac )1 bb jll lyd SPRINGIELD IRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO CH A RTE 11 1' 11 ETC AL CAPITAL 8500000 ASSETS 880NS93 3 nniECTOits Edmund reeman Chester Ohapin Daniel Harris Marvin Chapin Edward Southworth William Birnie Geo A Hull IVaitstill Hastings iinriiND 1 It SMITH Vice President Sanford Hall Secretary ETNA LIE INSURANCE COMPANY HARTORD CONN CAPITAL STOCK AND SURPLUS OVER $10000000 officers and pinKCTOIlS: A Bulkelev 'Austin Dunham Gurdon Bus sell Daniel Norton Thomas Brace Appleton ilillver Leverett Brainard Thomas Enders TTDDEN WINCHESTER it CO James Campbell II Bulkcley 11 A HI'EKEEEY President BANKERS AND BROKERS AUSTIN DUNHAM 5 ice President Stocks Bon bouirtit and sold on commission Interest consulting i yiuiii allowed on Balances Pamphlets containing rates of 1 remiurn and intor mvK RaiahC Babco*ck nmtion on the subject ot Lite Insuriinee and Agen Josiah Hedden sa a Babu be obtained by applying to Locke inchester Boblit Il lwen cij ius ltr (n(1M Agnts 93 cy ashington fl9 Boston Mass or of MOSELEY Agent for uiTvmiv rn Western Mass Office tn Taylor Olmstead's Block JOHN MUNROE it CO I Slain si Springfield Mass an 12 Im AMERICAN BANKERS WIGHT RICHARDSON CO No 7 RUE SCRIBE PARIS AND BANKERS AND BROKERS No 8 WALL STREET NEW YORK No Mprciiatlt Bank Building 28 State st Boston Issue Circular letters of Credit to Travelers in aU I offer for sale norta nt'urono Also Commercial Credits auS WaS4m coupon and Registered Bonds of the Cincinnati and 77 oi vts Indiana railroad company guaranteed by the Indian fTIHE SPRING! IBLp riVE CEN1 tlpons and Cincinnati railroad company due January 1 bAVIAUt) bAMl 1 Banking Boom No 2 Court street 1877 Hampden House Block north side of ourt square jnurest 7 per cent free of I Tax payable send Joseph CAMicbmi1 Preside nt American Exchange National Bank New Vice 'Presidents: York Willis Phelps A Chapin Aaron Bagg Interest on Registered Bonds payable in Boston Bond Sec'y Daniel Marsh Ireas rjPP g7J per cent and accrued into Daniel Pvnchon wWee Henrv uller stocks Bonds Gold Business Paper and other So Thos Warner Jr Wm Smith David Smith curitlcs of real value bought and sold on comnns Geo Morris Chas Marsh Jus Russell Lion V1 Blqton nll( n(w York au5 WaS3m jl Spates McIntire SIGN PAINTER AND GRAINER Shop opposite Exchange Hotel aula 17 19 22 Main st Hampden card co SANORD STREET ot Machine Card Clothing of all de scriptions Also No 10 Hand Caids jl '68 WM MONTAGUE Agent immigration WESTWARD THE STAR EM IT PIKE TAKES ITS SPRINGIELD INSTITUTION OR Incorporated A i 1827 Banking Room New Building corner of Main and Sate streets first floor Receives Deposits a nd pay interest on sums from One to One Thousand Dollars JOSIAH HOOKER President WILCOX Vice President Hkm'y Lke Treas'r SnuiiTLE Sec'y t'irectors Benj Dav Josiah Hooker 1 Wil cox Thompson Stebbins William Gunn Henry Lee rjlH SECURITY LIE INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANY NEW YORK issue Policies on all the new and most generally ap proved among which are the Terms as liberal as any other com pany doing a Life business One half the premiums mav remain on Loan if desired Assets January 1 1868 $111X1000 AUGUSTUS COOLIDGE Agent Room 3 i nion Block Opp the ost utnee At manufacturers' prices All the best brands Lead and superior Colors are found at our store jy9 WALKER CO tDakhes.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Views: 6372

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.